Florida mold bill SB440 filed

Hi to all,

Here is Senate Bill 0440 as filed by Senator M Bennett for your concideration





Is this the “Dempsey” bill?


Hi Joe,

no I don’t believe it is as the text is very different.



15 hours of CE EVERY year.

Hi to all,

I suggest everbody in FL takes a good hard look at this bill, it is effectively a homeinspection licensing bill.

Am I reading this correctly?



Basically every home inspection for a real estate transaction will require a mold test.

More importantly, every home inspector would be licensed through a mold bill whether they were engaged in mold testing or not.



I don’t see how you could offer home inspection services for real estate transactions without being licensed for mold.

No that is the problem, also a future Mold licensing board could mandate that to do mold testing in any way that a home inspector would need a 2 year microbiology degree.

That would sure reduce the ammount of Home inspectors in this state.



Looks like another Florida mold bill headed for the boneyard…

It looks like someone executed another great end around play. If this does pass then many will be looking for another type of work.

There are two parts that you just gotta love.

If you plead no contest in a lawsuit, your licensed is revoked.
There is no mention of grandfathering.

Looks like this one was for some campaign money. They better pony up for the November 07 election as well.

If you can’t do a home inspection without a mold test and you have to be licensed to do mold tests, we home inspectors would be under the thumbs of an ancillary inspection board.

Ain’t it friggin’ amazing! And still when polls are conducted over & over again most home inspectors seek licensing.

Nick, what do you think, home inspectors must be the fuk*ing stupidest businessmen on the planet always seeking to turn everything they work so hard for over to moron politicians who are clueless as to what we do.

What am I not seeing

As long as we do not test for H2O like a “bug man” this does not apply

Also I seem to have missed the education and insurance numbers



Joe B.
I could not agree with you more. Ive said it many times; the worst enemy to home inspectors is Home Inspectors. Time after time they have screwed themselves to the wall. Why not just send an open letter to the legislators and say,“We can not be trusted to govern and manage ourselves or this industry, so please make up the stupidest, most restrictive laws you can think of to impose upon us and while you are at it, leave it open ended so you can come back later and stick it to us again.”

Joe B.

It is even worse than turning it over to politicians… it is letting our fate be decided by a mold board that doesn’t directly regulate home inspectors, but nonetheless can indirectly put us out of business by making it impossible for us to abide by the law.

Since the industrial hygienists failed at kicking us out of the mold testing business directly… they’re instead going to try to force us all into it by making mold testing mandatory… then kick all of us out of the mold business indirectly by kicking us all out of the entire inspection business for failing to meet the mold testing license requirements.

Nick or someone help me to connect the dots. How are we connecting a good home inspection with a law required mold “sampling?”

Yes I know that a lot of us do mold sampling which might even be outside the law but someone else will have to read on this

Wonder what the mold testing lab’s think on this leg.

So someone help me out – where does this law hurt us??


Sounds like Washington State