Florida SoP new thread

So just sit down and shut up then? Wrong person. Nothing is done until it is done. You do not speak for all home inspectors, do you? I am the representative for the group I belong to and they will have a say. Unlike most the mighty chosen ones dictate what is their people want.

Have worked at something for many years means nothing to me. People who have NEVER worked on ANY standards have found faults. So they are wrong? Man, it just makes my blood pressure rise when people will tell me what is good for me. I think I can decide that on my own. Years ago, I guess you could just mandate what people do. For me, those days are over. Yes, I do know you high postions in the past, but although very respectful and deserving, I think it is now time people have input on their own destiny and decide what is best for them and their profession.

I have sat for two years and asked for what was happening and never received anything. I will not let people dictate the future of my and their profession. So that dead horse is about to get an *** whopping as well as any other dead horse.

I appreciate the its already set in stone attitude, but until it is set in stone, then there is time for an adjustment.

So what else have the mighty ones decided on? Is this just a few good ole boys decide everything? The past is the past and it was and is total BS.

Let me guess we need not do anything, you got it all covered…LMAO…except Koening and getting pulled out of the meeting…OOOPSIE DAISY! Keep thinking you got it all covered…I think OJ thought that…where is he now?


Understand that I have a lot of respect for you and your passion, and I really hope that changes can be made to both the home inspection law and the SOP, but as of right now it is a done deal. I will probably be signed, sealed, and delivered before anyone has a chance to act on it. The time to act was last year, not now. I believe that the council had some input on the SOP, but most of it came from sources picked by the DBPR, and I am sure the realtors and contractors also had some input on it.

The thing to do now would be to accept it as it is and try to amend it. Not what you want to hear, but that is how government works.

Upcoming Headlines:


Russ Hensel Invades Tallahassee

Russ Hensel proclaimed Inspector General of Florida

Russ Hensel Organizes the Masses and Executes Suits in Tallahassee

Russ Hensel to Self Serving Associations: Kiss My *** Dirty Birds

Spokesman and Organizer Russ Hensel Issues Proclamation: The hard working home inspectors in Florida are not going to inspect no stinking oven unless they and their customer agree. Furthermore, all future photos will be issued in black & white. Further, if the home contains more than 25% foreign made products, we will declare it uninhabitable and recommend demolition. If it is Big Bank REO, we will charge double the fee. So sayeth, Russ Hensel, Best Inspector General of Florida.

You go, Russ. I got your back!

What I want to hear means nothing.

What I want is for us to have a voice in OUR profession. US meaning each and every member who WANTS to provide input. EVERYONE who is a professional inspector needs to provide value, if it is or is not what I agree with. What most have to realize it is not about ME, it is about US. I think many have lost that sight and figure they know what is best for US.

I have been told what will and will not work. Funny thing is most who tell me “that won’t work”, have never tried it. I can find 100 reasons not to do something but find me that ONE reason TO DO it and lets work from there.

Here is a lesson I learned from a multi millionaire. He asked the contractor to do something in the remodel and the contractor told him it was IMPOSSIBLE to do. No way it would be done! The buyer then stated he would spend $1,000,000 to get it done. Of course the contractor said, well we can get it done for $1,000,000. The buyer then stated, so it’s not IMPOSSIBLE, we just need to agree on price.

That conversation taught me a lesson. Don’t tell me it CANNOT be done, just because it has never been attempted. lets freakin try to make things happen. What is the worse that will come out of it? We will be in the exact same position we are in now. Enough will the old we can’t do this or that…lets start with the WE CAN do this or that and find ways to do it TOGETHER. A ton of smart people in this organization. We can move mountains with a combined effort…now we just need the effort, the right direction and some hard work with a little luck and WATCH OUT!

Russel your 100% right.

We need to stop letting others dictate what our options are. Let me know how I can do my part.

Russell, you are wrong that none have attempted. I appreciate your willingness to take on the task of dealing with what you percieve to be injustices and inpropriety. I couldn’t agree more that our interests have been ignored and that we lack a say in our own industry regardless of experience and expertise that no other trade has.

It is by design. I in no way wish to discourage you but I would wish you patience as it is going to be a long row to hoe. Hang in there, for what little it’s worth I think we (HI’s) can eventually, working together, accomplish much to forward the industry and elevate the standing of this as a proffession.

It won’t happen overnight, don’t burn out.

Russel, what is the next step in the process?

How exactly do you intend to offer that info up? Like I said before BTU’S can be computed from Tonnage for cooling but on the heat side that does not equate, seriously if you have a way to compute the KW without taking an amperage draw from the heating coil I would be interested in knowing how.

Apparently the SOP is a done situation. But please read and add amendments to it and recommendations. Heck, send ALL recommendations about ANYTHING you want to see at floridanachilegislation@gmail.com.

I can keep all the legislative info on one email address where the alternates will have the pasword in case something happens and when I step down the next person can see what has transpired and nothing is kept from them and they will always be up to speed.

It is code here to write the KW on the unit. I can go get a picture of mine later if you like.
If you can’t find the info, then N/A would be the answer.

That was hard,

Yeah it is code everywhere in Fl. I have found no coils in 20+ units in the last 10 years that had the coil KW marked as 10 or 15 on airhandlers with heat pumps. Go figure, I know this has happened to you too.

The most important thing we ALL can do now is start building relationships with your congressman and Senator. Go visit their office and get to know the Aides and assistants very well.

Building these relationships can come in handy in the future. Please do not blow this off, when it is needed I want as many people to come together and make these relationships pay off.

Another thing is an annual trip to Tallahassee as mentioned before. To hopefully numerous of us will go there an talk to our representaives to put forth an agenda that hopefully will be put together by the council.

Another thing is fun fund raisers. I think Bill Chandler said it once. Maybe to go do $25 wind mits for poor people or the elderly who need insurance discounts and to then work one day and give that money to the chapters fund. I would love to do wind mits with another guy or two, for a day. Have fun, build friends, help people, help the profession, help the organization, and maybe get some publicity…

We need fresh ideas, fresh people and involvement for it to go anywhere. Do I think 1000 people are going to help? Nope…Hell I hope to get 20 at first! But these are the people who care and are passionate to the profession and care to elevate it in the eyes of the public.

Do I think it is going to happen overnight?..Sure do, it is actually happening now…one person, then two, then three and so on. EVERYTHING has a beginning…EVERYTHING…this is ours…I find it very interesting, challenging and I sure do love to shake the tree a bit…just to see what falls out…:wink:

I don’t know exactly when it became a requirement, but on our old unit that was installed in 1998, it had to be written on there. I remember it failed the inspection because of it.

In any event, if you can’t get the info, then just say couldn’t be found.

And Brian, just to be clear, I don’t mean you personally, I am speaking in general terms.

I also agree is shouldn’t be required, but, as Russell said and I was pretty sure of, this is a done deal anyway.
Time to figure out how to work within the system.

I admire you desire and tenacity, unfortunately, you are in over your head. I don’t mean that personally.

Are you aware of who Senator Bennett is?
He is the one who proposed the home inspection licensing bill. He also probably has a hand in this as well. I seem to remember reading that somewhere.
He is also the senator who wants to make Florida a non-judicial foreclosure state. If you don’t know what that means, it is a simple way of letting fraud n the courts go unchecked and the homeowner has to bring a suit, which of course, he can’t afford to do. Mr. Bennett is also part of the group who came up with the bill for the latest foreclosure bailout.

All of us combined don’t have the financial clout of BoA, and that is just one of his contributors.

I would suggest that as a group, we pick and choose the battles that we have some sort of chance of winning.

In over my head? Time will tell. That is only ONE senator. Is he the only one? Can we not reach out to others and build alliances?

Of course we shall pick and choose the battles, but it rather easy to figure out which ones. Just ask a few questions.

  1. Which is morally correct?
  2. Which provides the most unbiased professional information?
  3. How can we best protect the public?
  4. Will this action elevate the profession in the eyes of the public?

Apparently we see things differently. I would rather lose something taking the right road than do nothing. Why is that? Because when the item that “won” originally is exposed to be wrong, I want our profession to be the ones who can stand up and say “I told you” and that way we can begin to gain credibility.

I am not saying every issue in the state is to be challanged, just one that does not protect those 4 questions above.

I will tell you an attribute I am very proud of. I know my limitations. What I can do is surround myself with awesome people. I am doing very well in business and yes I started it, but the people who work for me are simply the best, bar none. It is they who have brought my business to where it is. Without them, I would be a totally different inspection company.

So Eric, am I in over my head? Who knows. But lets take it one step further. When you in over your head do you drown or learn how to doggy paddle real quick?

First, it wasn’t personal with you. I hope you know that. I respect you and what you have done.

One of my best attributes is knowing when to cut ones losses. As soon as I saw the language in the new SoP, it was quite apparent where it came from and where it was going.
I would suggest it be left alone and possibly tweaked at a later date.

Since we don’t have a State Code of Ethics, how about putting that forth? If this organization were to lead the way at something besides the number of inspectors in Florida, perhaps others would take us seriously and we could make some changes here and there to the licensing laws down the road. And eventually start to take control of the home inspection profession, at least here in Florida.

I was using Senator Bennett as an example. No, he isn’t the only one, but all the others are motivated by the same thing.

You see, in my side gig as an information gatherer for foreclosure defense, I dig into the politicians backgrounds and financials,and guess what, the largest contributors to their campaigns are the banks.
You cannot beat them at their game. You have to make your own game that you can win.
Sort of like the Kobayashi Maru in order to win, you have to change the rules.

Lets take your highlighted comment. So when should we get the information together? Just asking. Next week, next year, next century? It always seems to be that putting stuff off never seems to get done. I thought the SOP would be HUGE. Why is it a done deal? Because Mark Cramer said so? Wasn’t the council the one who sent it forward? Is it adopted? Is it law?

I am using the SOP as an example. When stuff gets put on the back burner it never seems to get accomplished.

Do you really want a code of ethics? Just playing devils advocate for a minute. You want all inspectors to play by a standard set of rules. I am assuming that is what your saying? Lets say that the answer is, yes. So while all of us inspectors are playing by a standard set of rules, what if the contractors are EXEMPT from those rules? They are trying to do that as we speak. Would the code of ethics be a positive attribute or a negative attribute? We play our strict set of high abiding rules and the Div 1 guys can do as they see fit?

So now what? You are going to compete while you have to be within guidelines and they can do whatever they want. Remember they are not looking for a way INTO the profession they are looking for a way to do the job while SIDESTEPPING the profession, insurance, ethics, SOP and CEU’s…

Do I take what you say personally…sure do, when you tell me I am in over my head. Its all good, no offense taken. I would rather be in over my head trying to make a difference than being care free watching my profession go down the drain.

You cannot fight for what you beleive in without getting your hands dirty and making some people mad. You just have to choose your alliances wisely and ensure you always do the right thing morally.

And you have to have bucket loads of money. And then more buckets loads of money


What I want and I have said it before and perhaps this should be a main issue of focus, is to make it so anyone performing an inspection of any kind on a home must have a home inspectors license. The contractors have had 2 years to get licensed under grandfathering. As of this July, that should be it. After that date, everyone needs to be licensed. Period.

After that, then we can work on a CoE, tweaking the SoP, and anything else.

You can take it personally if you want to but the facts are the facts. Unless you have Warren Buffett in your back pocket, you are not armed financially to compete with these guys.
How do you think a crook like our governor got elected? The old fashioned way…he bought the election!

I truly wish you luck.