FPE- Stablok update from the IAEI

I like the photo of the ostrich with its’ head in the sand, …er I mean the outlet, on the original link

I think the author, who’s name was left out of the IAEI letter, also has had his head in the sand a little too long…
( I notice that they did provide their attorneys name, in case any one has questions)
(…as if that isn’t an admission that they do have some type of problem. Don’t call us…call our attorney… :wink:

OK a statement in the IAEI article said that the load center was not the focus of the investigation and the complaints…
Let’s assume that the load center is acceptable…and you can just replace the circuit breakers with new replacements.
I know that you can, I have seen them at Lowe’s…however, for the cost of a few FPE breakers,
… you can have a nice Siemens load center preloaded with a 200A main and a starter set 15A breakers. The additional circuit breakers for Siemens are considerably less expensive.
Pick your favorite panel brand and compare prices. It is shocking what they charge for the FPE breakers, but it is understandable. When you have a product that lacks sales volume, the price is naturally more. Simple economics.
OK so the next argument might be that the FPE breakers cost more, but you save all that labor on not installing a new panel. Sure, but most people would hire an electrician to replace all those expensive FPE breakers. That still takes some labor, and while it is less, how much are you saving?

By the way did you notice that the IAEI added this statement to the article;
“This information is neither approved nor disapproved by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors.”

I don’t believe they have ever made a statement about the FPE panels.

However I am not afraid to make a statement on my reports every time I find an FPE panel. And the recommendation is to always replace. Cheap insurance for everyone involved. It cost alot more when the house, the belongings, and maybe the occupants, have been burned to a crisp. Can anyone even imagine the expert witnesses coming out of the woodwork to testify how bad these panels are, and the inspector should have reported it. Gives me chills.

Firstly…lets not confuse the POST with it being MY full stance…just thought it was neat and would bring up a good debate and educational moment.

Second…The board did conclude to conclude nothing really…they closed the case so everyone is free to have an option and do as they wish…heck man…who am I to say otherwise…:slight_smile:

well…you may save possibly 500.00 in labor...considering I could replace a panel with Replacements for about 850.00 including labor and cost of breakers…a total service chance I would charge 1,200 to 1,500 possibly…

But again…I tell everyone to defer a FPE and Zinsco to allow an licensed electrical contractor review them, look them over as their are known issues…but their are also known issues with CH and Sq D…just not as wide spread…so again while I agree the notice on FPE and Zinsco is warranted…I would not make it out as a DEATH WISH waiting to happen…let the experts evaluate it and make that call…

In the end let their BUDGET make that call…Do dont mind either way…and you kinda have to know wire and its ability to handle issues…like in the tests…they all would have tripped possibly before it got too high and caused damage…who knows…

The fact they LIED to get UL approval is a strong motivator to denounce them anyway…if they feel they needed to cheat…what else are they hiding was my logic growing up…

I do understand and appreciate the way you presented the information. It does bring up a good debate on the controversy that exists. I always learn alot when I read your posts, and I am sure that many others do as well. Keep up the good work!

Hey…I feel the love brother…:)…it’s all good…it’s all good my friend…as many will tell you sometimes my posts are rambling anyway…just hope people pick the education factor out of it…lol…

Lord knows I get tons of things wrong also…we are not perfect…lol…well…I am close…thehehehhhehehehehehe…

Ah…Perfectly ROUND that is…:slight_smile: