Fred Thompson is the best

Those will be her panties and room key I am returning to her, flying across the stage!! :smiley:

Early on I was a supporter because I knew he could at least act like a president.:slight_smile: Plus I am from Tennessee and he really did a very good job cleaning up behind Al Gore.:wink:

Seriously, he was my favorite candidate…but he just didn’t seem like he really wanted it bad enough. No fight.

Had he won the nomination, I would be voting Republican this time around.

I do admire Obama for coming to Mississippi. I would love to see you even try and throw something even near the podium let alone your shorts.

If you remember he did not want to run but his supporters really threw some money at him. I guess now it is coming back because he really did show the true side of Sen. Mccain and I think this will pay off big.

I got a good feeling but would not say the ball was hit out of the park last night. Actually, I don’t expect McCain to hit a grand slam either. I just think most of this convention will focus on straight talk for the most part as it should. I don’t think the party should attempt to part the red sea like the other side tried to do. Talk straight and show the contrast as to why the socialism model never works! Should work well.

You Millionaire Surfs crack me up.

You get one bad mediocre actor in the white house , and you think thats the future of politics.

Now you have Arnold as a rich mans pet , and wish the trend would continue with more empty vessals.

Thompson did real well in the primaries didn’t he.:slight_smile:

How about you just put on spiked collars and work for large corporations at $3.45 per hour.

Here is a secret decoder ring, and if you figure it out ,you can join the club.

I am sure some lady wearing a mink stoll will throw down a few scraps to you and your families.

Lets just all show pictures of the American flag,and shed tears for the the kids we suckered you into sending overseas.

Please keep breeding ,

G-d is on your side.:wink:


Bob, stay away from the edge of those condo roofs.

We don’t want you tempted beyond your ability.

Wait! That may be above someones pay grade.

Actually, Lieberman got just as many votes from Repubs and he did from Dems.

Regardless of party, the people of his state (from both parties) like and respect him.

That says a great deal.

If you stare at the big screen in the twin cities long enough you may start believing the rhetric.

I agree. Have you observed the double digit lead that Obama holds in his home state?

It does say a great deal.

Points about Thompson’s speech that I particularly liked:

  1. Obama is historic because he is the most liberal, inexperienced candidate for President ever.
  2. Omaba does not want to protect babies before they are born, or after.
  3. McCain travels overseas to talk with the troops and world leaders while Obama travels to get headlines.

Funny. In my area, only PBS covered and broadcast the speech live and unedited. CBSNBCABC presented taped portions only.

BTW: Thompson was a politician (lead rebublican council to the Senate Watergate committee) before he became and actor.

If you are interested in his politics (not read speeches) check out some of his essays at He’s been doing them for years.

Hope this helps;

Actually the Republicans are using him as a show piece.

He is simply hurt that he could not win primaries as a Dem.

Now he is playing Judas , as the Republicans laugh behind his back

Wow , you really have lost your edge when you can’t even stick to intelligent conversation.

When do the swear words begin.

Like you would recognize that:roll:

You come here and spout hate and derision and name call and then you want respect to boot.

No hate what so ever.

Just pouring cold water over your head , to get you out of the trance.

Are you drinking this early in the morning?

Maybe your on some new meds.

Wrong. Prior to his career in the US Senate starting in December of 1994, he had appeared in 23 movies (screen and made for tv) and 7 tv episodes ranging from Roseanne to Wiseguy.

Hey if you are gonna emulate Jimmy Stuart, can it be the scene where he gets ready to jump off a bridge, please.