Free Move In Certified PowerPoint presentation.

Glad for you John …Smooth move
Like the presentation Can some one tell me how to make it run automatically and continue to just go thought the system continually , Second how can I get the instructions off to print them .
I think this would be great at a home show .

Thanks Roy


What is that about a “clean inspection report” on page 6?

The only way to have a clean report on 95 percent of homes is to have repairs, reinspections, more repairs, more reinspections…Then there is typically some items that need subsequent observations. Some new houses may be repaired easily but the older ones will typically never be fully repaired or “clean”. I work in two sates, dozens of cites and towns and doubt its any different everywhere else.

I always discourage Move-In-Certified Inspections on homes that are not in a generally good visual condition.

Just added this to my site. Thanks for putting it together.

Can anyone hepled me about what is free mave in certified powerpoint presentation

Thanks Mike and Nick