Free PowerPoint presentation about mold. Watch it now.

I’m very new to this organization and I think this is the most helpful site on the net. the mold discussion is great and the Power Point presentation is a great example. I have more than 40 years of experience in the construction trade including a B.S. in Building Engineering and several years experience in design and construction of homes and commercial buildings.

I’m at the time in my life that I’m looking to slow down just a little and find something not so demanding on my body but I still want to stay with what I know. I’ve been doing inspections for quite some time as a sub contractor for a city gov’t and decided to go out as an independant inspector. The mold ppt really shows the need for the inspections. I’ve found more mold in homes and commercial buildings than I can remember.

While our two children were attending college, we rented a house for them in that city. During the first several weeks and months in the house, they really changed. they were always sick, headaches, nausa, etc. Then it showed. A leak developed in the kitch ceiling and within a days time, mold started to appear from within the upper floor joist area. I knew immediately what was going on then.

We contacted the landlords of the property and reported this to them and thier response was to evict our kids from the home. Now this wasn’t a problem since we were looking for a new place anyway after finding the mold. Just wanted to say, mold is a real problem and it will make you sick. While moving them out of the house, my wife and I became sick before we even got back home, a 90 mile drive.

The county where this house is located in Missouri has absolutely no standards for mold inspections or mold in rental homes and has no power to enforce mold regs. This should be a priority of housing governments in rentals to help protect thier occupants. This is one of the main reasons I choose to become a home inspector and become a member of NACHI, because of the requirements they have to stay a member. Plus, the majority of the inspectors in our area aren’t qualified to do the job and they are “just walking around”.
