From your friends at inspection depot

Free Open House

Come to our no cost recruitment seminar, and learn about our various inspection programs and opportunities for you. We currently have many inspectors all over the state making in excess of $2000 per week, and you could be doing the same. To register for our free open house please click on the link below, select free open house and follow the directions. It takes only seconds!


Home Inspection Grandfathering

To all our fellow licensed contractors in Florida. Grandfathering for the Home Inspectors license is coming to a close at the end of June. There are no training requirements needed. Just complete the application and other documentation. Don’t delay. After June 30th, you will be requrired to take 120 hours of education! Here is the link for your reference. HOME INSPECTION LICENSE GRANDFATHERING

I seem to get that email all the time also
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