Full Text Ammended Kansas HB 2315

In effect, by this law, the Kansas inspector is offering the buyer and the seller a 12 month warranty up to $10,000 for anything not fully included in his report.

You have no choice but to turn every mole hill into a mountain, and word it in such language as not to be held liable by the seller.

This should extend your housing slump until such time that this bill can be repealled.


Not really, in fact it might just be a stimulus. Imagine this being spoken by an agent, and Mr. or Mrs. homebuyer, if you feel that your inspection of this property missed any little item, a wall switch breaks, the flooring has a freakish little bubble or the hardwood should get scratched, or that nasty little ding in the stairway drywall, you can sue the inspector for gross negligence :wink: :wink: Almost like getting an 10 thousand dollar rebate on your purchase. Can you say new kitchen or a closet full of shoes. :roll: We as inspectors already know that same scenario exists with many home warranty purchases. Its hey if it breaks call the warranty company, they’ll pay for a new one. It’s taken the warranty companies nearly 10 yrs to get this under control somewhat and I still hear agents making the same claim


The proponents have opened the can of worms, and it smells like money.