Gatlinburg TN

I’m currently vacationing in the Smoky Mountains. Saw a couple HUGE bears today, never seen one in person.

Anyways I’m looking for a good BBQ joint and preferable not something that’s a chain restaurant, unless it’s really good/authentic.

Any advice on where to go?


Drive down to Memphis

Not to much up there Vince, Mostly for tourist , How long are going to be there? Ill ask around

Or smoke a good joint and a chain restraunt bbq will be GREAT!!:p:p

Get out of the Burg!

Go over to Townsend, “The quiet side”.

Or ask around when you get there.

I don’t know if it just grows wild around here but I swear I could smell it strong during the walk today. Of course this is way to early for a proper crop. Not that I know anything about it.:stuck_out_tongue:

I will be here until the 18 and don’t mind at all driving a while for some real BBQ.,TN/Restaurants/Barbecue/

I was stationed near Memphis many years ago (and did some TDYs there as well) and the thing to do on the week ends was go into town, rent a room and enjoy the food and music. Watch your A** if you go down on Beale Street though. You almost can not go wrong if you want some real Tennesee BBq in just about any place that is not a chain. Lots of places to choose from.

There is some great places in Townsend . Brother in law lives there . Still out of them hills don’t get lost unless you have a banjo with you.

Memphis is little far to drive 8 hour drive lol

Vince try Corkys in Pigeon Forge

Vince, that wasn’t you they found dead on the trail to Townsend today, was it?!

I warned him to stay out of them hills! KIN folk live there lol

Uh-oh… Vince has been missing from the MB for over 24 hrs now!!! Do we file a ‘missing persons’ report now??? :shock::D;-)

How do you BBQ an entire Bear?:D;-)

Unless Vince is in his 70’s, I don’t think it was him!:stuck_out_tongue:

Dunno… Realtors like to have outdated photos on their b-cards and stuff… not sure about HI’s :roll:;-):smiley:

Went over to Townsend yesterday and ate at this place. The BBQ Ribs and chicken were delicious. Of course the beer went well with it all too.

We also stopped by the caverns for a tour. That was pretty amazing and the first time I’ve been in caverns. Seeing it in person is a trip.

The level of friendliness catches me off guard and is a little hard to take seriously. I’m finding myself wondering what their angle is and why they are trying to be so friendly. It’s ashamed really. I’m from an area where people are polite but not so friendly.

We’re friendly till you mess wiff our wimmen, our trucks or our likker. :wink:

Just go with the flow. You have to understand these folks find it strange that you look at them funny when they try to strike up some conversation.:mrgreen:

It is a country thing, Just don’t cross them. Then you wake up over a log and (well lets say cry out barn animal sounds lol