GFCI Rec. itself does not trip but other rec. will trip it. Why?

Slaved GFCI’s. I have seen the most bizarre slaving arrangements.

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Was the other receptacle in the bathroom? And was the receptacle a GFCI type or did it trip the upstream GFCI receptacle you mentioned you could not trip the bathroom GFCI receptacle with the test button and your GFCI tester?

Note your observations.
1: Tested bathroom GFCI receptacle. I could not trip the current using my GFCI receptacle tester, and using the manufactured mounted test buttons on the receptacle.
Broken/non-operational/malfunctioning GFCI receptacle.
Suspect: Miswired circuit.

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. . .and you don’t have to. If it works for you it isn’t necessary to justify it to this crowd. They are mostly full of themselves anyway. Just keep doing what you’re doing.


Like Jeff, most deals in my area still have only a 3-5 day total contingency period. Most callers want me there next day if possible, but within 3 days for sure. If you can’t get there in 3 days, they call the next guy. It’s almost a requirement to have the report out same day.

Dang, Brian! I thought you were one of the good ones! You are one of the guys I always wait to hear from on my questions. I really hope you were having an off day, so I will explain to you. But first, if you are going to throw a jab at myself and my company, expect some defense. @jspencer

  1. 3 days waiting - The day of the inspection and 2 business days to deliver the report. If I can’t get to the inspection the day after they call, that adds days…Right?
  2. Average 1000 photos - Many of my clients have been from out of State. Some of them have never stepped foot in the house, or the area for the matter. My photos help inform them of the house they are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on. Which photos do you think give them a better idea of their huge investment? The 30 from a real estate agent, or maybe a quick video walkthrough? Or, my photos showing them the attic, the crawlspace, the mechanical rooms with the equipment, etc.?
  3. 120 pages average - This includes about 20 pages of standards, notes, contractor’s list for their area, and the inspection itself.

What started this post was a question I had about a GFCI receptacle. Guys like @lkage, @rkenney, @kleonard, @rmeier2, @devans5, @ryoung7 helped with this question. A big thank you to them! They didn’t take a remark in a conversation they were not even involved in and blew it up because they don’t understand how my company and inspections operate. They, as professionals probably don’t care how I run my business or how I perform my inspection. They are here to help. Like the forum was made for. I truly hope you were having an off day Brian. You have helped me before and I do respect your knowledge. Don’t be one of “those guys”.

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Oh, Jeff. You are assuming way to much. Did it occur to you that maybe I have other sources of income? That I am providing my services to my clients to help them? That I live in an area where there are not daily inspections but rather a few every month? That I typically travel at least 2 to 5 hours round trip to get to these inspections? Do you think I started my company without doing the research? Do you think I started my company as a full time gig rather than part time? I don’t jump to conclusions like you. I realize there is probably a good reason why you didn’t go into that crawlspace. I see your are now the one being “defensive” as @bcawhern1 said. And rightfully so. As you mentioned, I did do a quick google search and found your website. I apologize, that is as far as I made it on your reply. They way you come off, I really don’t need to read the rest. I know you have been inspecting for many years and probably know way more than myself and many others. However, your comments did not address the question, or even help in the slightest. What was the purpose? All these questions are rhetorical. I will not be wasting time with this post any longer. I wish you all the luck in the future and that you can continue to help others for many years to come.

We have 10 days.

Thanks, Robert. You are one of the good ones. Your comments are always to help, and I appreciate that.

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Thanks for sharing @jjonas!! I hope people view it on their desktop as I need to perform some maintenance on the mobile version.

We have 10 days

Thanks, Robert. The 2nd receptacle was in the same bathroom and NOT a GFCI. It tripped the upstream GFCI that I could not trip with the tester or “test” button. The owner said he would try to remeber to find out what was actually wrong and let me know. I appreciate your help and professionalism.

I am a good one. You should listen. Best of luck!


Faulty GFCI.
Possibly miswired.

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You got everything figured out. Best of luck.

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Could the GFCI be miswired due to reversal of the LINE and LOAD leads?
LINE cable: Delivers power from the service panel (breaker panel or fuse box) to the GFCI. If there is only one cable entering the electrical box, it is the LINE cable. This cable should be connected to the GFCI’s LINE terminals only.
LOAD cable: Delivers power from the GFCI to another receptacle in the circuit. This cable should be
connected to the GFCI’s LOAD terminals only. The LOAD terminals are under the yellow sticker. Do NOT remove the sticker at this time.

Here is what I get from LEVITON.
The GFCI is miswired due to reversal of the LINE and LOAD leads. The GFCI cannot pass its internal test, indicating that **it may not be able to provide protection in the event of a ground fault.
Installing and
Testing a GFCI Receptacle

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It could be miswired but it would have to be a very old device to actual work when David plugged in his tester. In my original post I stated that unless it were an old device it would not work if miswired. From your link:

If you mistakenly connect the LINE wires to the LOAD terminals, the GFCI
will not reset and will not provide power to either the GFCI receptacle face
or any receptacles fed from the GFCI


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Thanks Robert!
Have a great week!

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You to David. Keep well.

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