Mr. Mullen, What exactly makes them “valid” ?

"Mr. Mullen, What exactly makes them “valid” ?"

Why, ‘Mr. Mullen’ does of course! :mrgreen: :roll:

Thanks, George. It’s refreshing to see you finally paying attention. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted:

Thank you Mr. Mullen for answering my question. :roll:

The first time I have ever asked or comunitcated with you in any shape or form and you wouldn’t even answer a very simple question. You just avoided the question.

It speaks loads about you are and this big certification thingy that I haven’t heard squat about from anyone other than a handful of other inspectors.

Good bye. =;

Mr. Hinsperger:

As you can see, I responded to a ‘flip’ answer from George Luck with a similar ‘flip’ answer. I meant you no disrespect and I was just having some return fun with George.

You question is a genuine question and I want to respond properly and clearly, because as you might have noticed, my words are sometimes challenged. I agree it is a simple question, but the question and its response can be profound. I promise you a complete, articulate answer soon.

I apologize if I have offended you.

Bill Mullen

Hi Bill,
I have been reading these forums and learning from the great members here for about three years. I have read a lot of posts on the NCA, and haven’t found them to contain details that might convince me that it would be worthwhile to me. I haven’t discounted the idea, but instead have decided to wait. I would though appreciate more information on the subject.

Also, I don’t think it is beneficial to you or the NCA to come on our forums and throw mud around. I am a proud member and I think you will find that most people who care to take the time to involve themselves with this forum are also proud people. I don’t think that any one Association is by design better than another, but here I know that by using the tools that this association gives me (and they are endless) I am becoming a better inspector. So I take offence to attacks here. If Caphi no longer has a forum, then I have to ask; Where is there community? How is this an association that works for everyones benefit. I’ve only been doing this for a few years and I’ll say it right now, I haven’t seen everything. When I have a situation where I see something and am not 100%, I tell the client that I will do some research and get back to them later that day. And this forum is a great tool for me. I can search the forums or post a picture or ask a question and help is around the corner, with resources and advice. We may not be perfect in your eyes Bill, but frankly I don’t care.

Sorry guys I get a little combative, when I haven’t had my morning coffee.

Gentleman and Ladies

Be patient with Bill. There are things going on in the background in Ontario that will affect CAHPI/National. Right now the reason folks in Ontario have been kept out of the loop is because of OAHI. OAHI has too much authority and has continually thrown a wrench into the works. They won’t even release info to OAHI members. You have to look no further than who sits on the BOD of CAHPI from Ontario.

OAHI has reasons to keep its financial info from its members who are owed a duty of care by OAHI, the members have rights which OAHI refuses to acknowledge. Some OAHI members are speaking up while a good majority are cringing behind rocks for fear of reprecussions which OAHI is famour for meeting out with glee.

Raymond ,Bill is his own worst enemy He got a free NACHI membership to sell his Natioal Certification and immediately attacked from his first post.
Not once has he been the least bit humble .
When any one tried to be nice he has never been civil or nice .
I have no control of what is or has happened with OAHI but for him to come onto the NACHI site always combative, I see no reason why I or any one else should cut him the least bit of slack.
He has a product to sell and trying to ram it down my throat and the rest on NACHI is wrong.
He has been miserable and vindictive none stop
He has insulted ME ,You, NICK and all the NACHI membership.
His better then every one else attitude has only added to how useless the National Certification is.

… Cookie


ALL Canadian inspectors were offered free lifetime memberships in NACHI. I’m not the only one who took advantage of it. Why would anyone pay when it’s free forever?

Your hatred is so entrenched that there is no hope for you, so blather on. I just don’t understand your sense of fairness:

Roy says negative things - that’s good.
Bill says negative things - that’s bad

How does that compute?

Bill Mullen

When was that, Bill?

Bill please show me where all Canadians where offered Life time memberships.
I Chaired the meeting you are talking about ( I think ) and Life time memberships where not offered and you where not there.
Bill ("Roy says negative things ") are only negative to you because it is the truth .
I again say before any one made a post you where negative and have been none stop .
How is my congratulating you on your award negative
Why is it when I won the NACHI award you called all the NACHI members names .
No Bill You have a big Chip on your shoulder and continue to show how bitter you are.
Bill I stand up for my feeling for all Hatred is not in my system and the NACHI members know it .
You trying to convince other wise will not work.
I have never run done the OAHI membership or other home inspectors .
It just breaks my heart to see you try and convince the home inspectors on the NCA when we know very little about it
All we know is Bill says its great so we must get on board .
Sorry Bill you have a closed door attitude with me and when I have tried to get some cooperation from you ,you attack.
I guess you do not like some who is as strong willed as you trying to present the other side .


Brian it never happened .
I do know what was said ,but a friend of Bills has had lots to say over the years .
Bills friend arrived late and left early from the First Barrie meeting and has been an NACHI expert ever since.
I expect this is where Bill is getting his information from.
He and Bill have said many many mean and incorrect things about NACHI
I chaired the first two NACHI Meeting after the original Chairs where not able too.
I was at every first Chapter meeting held in Ontario.
I am the oldest NACHI member.
I have and will support NACHI non stop .
… Cookie


Have you heard of any provincial licencing coming to Ontario yet?

As you have pointed out; you are the most experienced member available
so I turn to you for the inside scoop.

With much respect

Doug Potts

No I do not believe I said I was the most experienced member I said I think I am the oldest Canadian NACHI member .
My son who now lives in North Carolina, Raymond Wand and many others have a lot more experienced then I.
No I have not had any positive information on Ontario Licencing yet .
Like the NCA I have only heard only rumors.

… Cookie

Sorry ROY, I wanted to discreetly replace “oldest” with “experienced”. Bottom line is you have much experience and my clear intention is to glean what I can. I have much respect for you and your fellow colleagues that I will have to replace in coming years. So please continue to pass on all of your knowledge for the benefit of the community at large.:slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Doug no concern .
Please remember if you get out on an Inspection and need help call no obligation .
. If Char answers tell her you are a Home Inspector with a question .
If I am on an inspection she answers and takes a message or talks to the client. 613-475-1144.

That’s awsome ROY. You know I’ll take you up on it.

Doug Potts

Why not many others do.
… Cookie

Hello again ROY…

What is your personal take on this National thing?

Are the provinces just going to trump it with there own licencing?

We all want, (I believe), a respect for professionalism, but what does the
professional community respect?

I have never asked a Real Estate agent for their credentials, but I have re-hired based on performance.