I recently received a phone call from a person who bought a home that I had previously inspected. They were calling to inform me that their roof was at the end of its life and their insurance company would not cover it and therefore they were pulling the homeowners policy.
Needless to say I about had a heart attack and told them that when I got home I would review the report and get back with them.
I reviewed the report and I had mentioned that the roof had significant granule loss and was in the later third of its life span. I also recommended that the client seek a roofing contractor to evaluate and give a better estimate on the age of the roofing material.
Now that being said I realized when I called the buyer back that this buyer had gotten the report from the realtor that they used for the purchase who received it from the selling agent that received it from my client to negotiate repairs and they would not comply so my clients opted out of their contract.
I guess my question is how often does this happen? How could a person stop it? It is unethical and my inspection agreement states that the report is for my client and is only to be used in negotiations between my client,their agent and the sellers and their agent and is not a transferable document.
This Cost Myself or another inspector a home inspection fee
No, you didn’t lose a fee, you SAVED the long-term aggravation of working for a cheap-a-s-s wannabe homeowner that would be after you for every little thing that eventually failed! Consider yourself lucky.
Thank you all!
I am an Inter-nachi Member a newbie so that is why I did not fill my name out at the top I just sent the question out. I do feel like the buyers agent should get a piece of my mind but I also am only a six month old inspector and not wanting to lose potential business over this situation. Should I let it go or contact the broker at the buyers realtor office?
In Wisconsin you are not responsible see below.A listing agent received a copy of the inspection report from the first buyer’s offer. The first buyer and seller chose to cancel the offer based on the inspection results. The inspector said the report may not be shared. Can the seller or listing agent share a copy of the first buyer’s inspection report with future buyers in regard to the condition of the property, specifically the age and condition of the roof?
Unless otherwise agreed by the seller and the primary buyer, the seller is not prohibited from providing copies of the buyer’s inspection reports to other prospective purchasers. The listing agent should not provide a copy of the report because it may be considered a confidential transaction document under Wis. Stat. § 452.133(1)(d). If the home inspection report is provided, the agent should caution the buyer that the seller is giving the report for informational purposes only. Under Wis. Stat. § 440.997(2), the home inspector will not be liable to subsequent purchasers for any errors or omissions contained in the original report. The new buyer should be urged to have his own home inspection if he wants the inspector to be liable to him for any mistakes.