Help, I need a commercial (only) inspection reporting software

Hey Jeff,
I had to stop work on it work on it for about 6 months.
Man… it is sloooow going, but I’m a LOT further along than that now. Also, I switched to HG but will be converting to an HIP version as soon as it’s complete. Here’s a few (Table of Contents) examples of what I’m working on and the detail. I actually have considerably more new commercial content than this, but I’m only part way through going through the residential narratives that can be easily converted to be relevant to commercial.
I’m creating a Master Library from which can be created custom templates for apartment buildings, hotels, office buildings, warehouses, etc. (for example I had to edit, duplicate and edit to create hotel bathrooms sections to office building restrooms, including the terminology and different components).
I’m trying to figure out whether to create each of these myself or just offer the master list and let individual inspectors create what they want. The options will be available to create Baseline Property Condition Assessments or commercial inspections.
So… the following is just the HG Global list of narratives. It’s not organized into what an inspector would see if he were performing an inspection. It’s just a big, long-ass list of narratives organized as best as I can for transfer into HG’s local list, which I still have to create along with the Styles And Materials, if I choose to do that. Then I have to go through and proof it all. Then, since I never did commercial, it’s a learn-as-you-go project that I’ll have to have vetted, since I can’t get users sued. I see mistakes in just what I’ve posted here. All the -QC stuff is going away. So… you can see why it’s taking a while.