I am wanting to start out in the home inspection industry and am looking for suggestions as to which organization would be the best to go with. I live in British Columbia Canada and it seems my options would be,
If anyone could recommend one of these and help me get started in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.
You can divide what you need into two slices (a little one and a big one):
The little one (about 1% of what you’ll need to succeed) concerns licensing. Contact your government’s licensing dept for information. That’s the easy part.
The big one (about 99% of what you’ll need to succeed) is only obtainable from InterNACHI. Read www.nachi.org/success.htm
I would definately go with interNACHI but as far as the government licensing I was just wondering if one of the above options would be a better choice.
There is a fourth option you missed. You can also become licensed through the NHICC. (National Home Inspector Certification Council) It is an independent national certification body with no direct affilation with any association. www.nationalhomeinspector.org
Help me out now.
I though the National is defunct or about to be discontinued as of 2011 Bill.
NHICC. is one in the same?
Just like to know whats happening.
Been out the loop.
Poor Bill always trying to blame others for his short comming .
He just can not understand life is a two way street Give and Take but for Bill it seems he wants to take and never give .
This is NACHI where all who do things well are welcome.
To bad you did not do that with Your canuk forum and the CAHPI forum and now with the Forum run by the self appointed secret group.
Sorry Bill if the Facts seem to upset you.
**Please Note: **Bill Mullen is a non-member guest and is in no way affiliated with InterNACHI or its members.
Re: Help Starting Out
Originally Posted by rcookehttp://nachi.cachefly.net/forum/images/2006/buttons/viewpost.gif Poor Bill always trying to blame others for his short comming . He just can not understand life is a two way street Give and Take but for Bill it seems he wants to take and never give . This is NACHI where all who do things well are welcome. To bad you did not do that with Your canuk forum and the CAHPI forum and now with the Forum run by the self appointed secret group. Sorry Bill if the Facts seem to upset you.
Thanks for agreeing for once ,
By the way Bill why are you no longer a CMI,
Some how I get info that you cheated Just like you did when you where a NACHI member what a sad way to go through life .
Bill I also see you are no longer signing NCA00001 Member What happened to make you stop that Bragging
Bill I have learned to think objectively and those two are friends.
No need for Criticism.
Last thing I read " and not from Invested inspectors seeking checks and balances in the industry" is that 2011 the National was dissolved.
CAHPI absorbed the Nat. in 2009-2010.
Thank you Bill.
Been out of the loop.
Bill comes to NACHI to sell his product and Ridicules me well he gives must be prepared to get it back.
I have said little But poor Bill just can not stay away and not attack .
He reaps what he sows .
I did not miss the MOMO Bill is the one who has said more then once he would not be back. Well It looks to me his BABY must not be doing well as Bill keeps comming Back to NACHI to try and let all know How Great his BABY is .
He had his Chance with NACHI and refused to follow the rules , even with three warning as three times he said he would fix his web site , never done so he left and bragged about how he never put Internachi on His web site as per the rules.
Robert - stop and think about what you just stated above (post 12) …“No need for Criticism”
Does that rule (comment) apply to one and all, or just those that you are buddies with? - You also stated “Bill I have learned to think objectively and those two are friends.”
No problems with yours friends part, that’s your business, but you are sending a conflicting message.
On another note: Since when was offering an answer and/or even if that is perceived as pushing something, what your take on any other of those products that are all over this forum. Reflecting on that point should that not also be against the NACHI mandate? Same rule - same treatment!
Again somethings seems to be bidding for personal censorship, whatever Bill posts. Are you now implying that Nick or the censorship group missed Bill’s post? What about the next volley of responses past his original post - as contributing to the load of crap that followed. I see it as nothing more than a contributed to another waste of time, same old crap, just another day? Bill tried to correct a misunderstanding to Klint - PERIOD. Now read the rest from there. Why was it necessary to go any further?
Reflecting on that point should that not also be against the NACHI mandate? Same rule - same treatment!
Bill tried to correct a misunderstanding to Klint
Thanks for your Post Claude Now I would appreciate where I can get the same treatment ( as you say ) on Correcting Bills NACHI posts on the PHPIC forum .
Claude so glad you stand up for Bill too Bad you do not correct some of his false statements , I do nor remember you correcting any.
Happy to see you back posting.
I personally thought you where abstaining.
That would be a mistake.
Claude does have a point.
Being neutral is the higher ground on the open message board.
Personal conflicts or debates should be sent to a separate members
( closed tread.) Arbitration between a unbiased member if so selected.
A verbal squared circle if you want to debate a subject or grievance between members.
Just a observation. .
Statements are not false just because you or your buddies do not agree with them. It’s very likely that there were no false statements for Claude to correct.
I am not allowed into the members’ section of the NACHI Forum, so why should you or anyone who is not a PHPIC member be allowed into the PHPIC members’ forum ?
NACHI has chosen to have a moderated public forum, but that is their choice, and even then some people are not allowed to post.