Come thirsty.
Wow…to bad Im fully scheduled thru Friday…are these dates right?
You’re doing an inspection in the dark on Thursday night? ?
Check out El Chorro lodge next door Nick. Yummy and great patio
OK, I will
How come Dan’s not posting to complain like he always does?
Jeez, Nick never offered to buy me drinks in Toronto. Dan’s getting favoured status!! How’d you do that, Dan??
If you’re ever in the LA area, drinks are on me. Same for Dan.
Nick hasn’t called me a scum bag or a stupid ASHI inspector lately.:twisted::twisted:
Keith… I’ll be at disney land again on the week end before christmas.
Hang in there your turns comming.
It took me almost 5 yrs of keeping nickey in line.:mrgreen:
"I’ll be at disney land again on the week end before christmas."
As a float or a clown?:mrgreen::mrgreen:
I think he works the ticket gate:p
Hmmmm. At least he works. :mrgreen:
D. Harris:
Give me a call, when you’re in town. (818) 363-0176. If a woman answers, it will be my wife Jacki. Both of us love Disneyland and have been going there since our identical twin girls were two. They’re now 23 and have flown the coop, so we’re looking for an excuse to go there at Christmas time and you’ve provided it. So, forget about the drink, we’ll treat you and yours to a dinner and drinks at Steak House 55. Cheers.
PS. For reasons I don’t understand, my computer puts a smiley instead of an 8 in the 818 area code.
Disneyland Ahhhh…The happiest place on earth. I have plans to take my family there Dec. 21 - 24…Maybe I will see you there.
Dan, it was nice meeting you tonight Mark, Brian, Dylan and everyone else, it was great putting faces to the names on the board. Too bad Duffy couldn’t make it.
May be sooner than you think, Keith. Was talking to an old friend up in Quincy just last week and with air fares so low may take a short jaunt out. I need the break! My wife completes her 3 week trip to Libya/England next Tuesday…so I must balance the ledger soon !!
Dom… You missed nick and I duking it out.
I’m still sore, seeing that nick hasen’t posted yet, and I’m on my way to an inspection maybe the ASHI guy won…:twisted::twisted:
Hey Dan,
I did miss it , but I saw the pictures afterwards. He did look pretty bruised up. I’m sure he’ll post the pictures once he’s recovered!