HI affiliates

Originally Posted By: Francesco Pagano
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Hello All,

I am new to the HI world and am strongly considering a career in this field, however I have noticed that HI's in the NY area are affiliated with different org's, i.e. NACHI, ASHI,NAHI..which ones are worth joining..Which ones are potential buyers looking for when researching an HI.Your comments are welcomed!!

P.S I'm not trying to stir up anything between the affilaites..just want to be great at HI.


Originally Posted By: dbush
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Use the search feature for NACHI, ASHI, and NAHI as well as others on here as well as inspectionnews.com. There are "twisted" versions by members of each organization. I belong only to NACHI because they were the only organization when I started that seemed truly willing to help new inspectors establish themselves and I didn't feel like a moron asking questions of the membership. Some of the other boards, you can ask questions, but you feel inferior with some of the answers.

My advise is to join one, of course I recommend NACHI, but just one until you get established. NACHI will get you the most marketing bang for your buck - web presence, mouse pad promotion, e-mail to agents, etc. AS SOON as you join. Again, as soon as you join.

I recommend you use the money that you were going to use for joining other associations for marketing your business and then as you become established, join other organizations. For the organizations that require a minimum # of inspections to become members, I believe that any that you do even before you are a member count, but I am not sure of that.

Welcome to the boards and good luck.

Dave Bush
MAB Member


Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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I will echo Dave's sentiments about the other organizations. I have been an inspector for about 8 years, and did not belong to any organization until I joined NACHI last year. This organization and this BB will help new inspectors gain knowledge and marketing prowess. Nick is absolutely committed to making NACHI the preeminent home inspector organization in everyone's eyes, as are most of our members.

Check out all of the other organizations. After you do, I'm sure you will be right back here joining us.

Good luck in your endeavors

Originally Posted By: ecrofutt
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You don't mention where you are located.

Don't forget your state / province (a sop to our Canadian complainer)organizations.

Good luck.

Erby Crofutt
B4U Close Home Inspections
Georgetown, Kentucky


Originally Posted By: Francesco Pagano
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Thanks guys!! Without a doubt I will be joining NACHI!!

Nassau county/Long Island, NY