Originally Posted By: BBuzz This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have been looking at HI training options here in Oregon so far all I have came up with is some quick 4 day class room courses, I have been debating going with one of these or maybe ITA's correspondence course..
Could anyone recommend a course or help me evaluate ITA's correspondence course verse these quick in class programs?
My thoughts were that 4 days just doesn't seem like enough time and $2,500 is pretty spendy for the 4 days of in class learning, although hands on and expert advice is the best way to learn in my opinion..
Originally Posted By: BBuzz This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks Gerry
I seen that one also, it my be a option although its on the other side of the state.. This is the one I was considering http://www.proinspectioned.com/
Originally Posted By: cbuell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Brian, I don’t know what part of the state you are in, or if you are interested in training out of state but Arbutus Inspection Training group (through Bellingham Technical College) will be doing their four week 160 hour course in Pasco, Wa, the last week of March. It will be in Olympia and Centralia upcoming. You can email me personally if you want more info.
Originally Posted By: Frank Nihei This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Brian,
This may not help you 8 months later, but it may help other folks in Oregon looking at OCHI certification.
Be very careful on the correspondence courses if that's how you're trying to earn Eligibility Points. It won't work. (I'm not saying they aren't good - or even great...Take them for knowledge only, because they do not apply toward eligibility points - none of them do.)
I spoke with the administrator of the Oregon OCHI certification for the state and she specifically told me that correspondence courses - on their own - do NOT qualify for Eligibility Points in this state. 
I asked a couple of correspondence providers about this because their advertising was worded to lead one to believe it would work - and so far - SILENCE - NO replies!!! Hmm...Imagine that!
But I asked the administrator several different ways about correspondence courses, and bottom line:
She said ONLY live, in person training - either college courses from an accredited college with transcripts or certificates, and/or documented live seminar or in-class training from certain sources were eligible. Pay close attention to the seminar and training sources, as not all qualify - it's in the application packet.
Fortunately, they do allow a variety of options to gain your points before taking the test.
Here's the direct link to the Application Packet, which includes what does or doesn't count toward Eligibility Points to take the test:
CIT's (Certified Inspection Training - discussed above) program overall seems the best option for me. Combo of correspondence course (for your knowledge base) then 3 days of live training and hands-on for a minimum of 13.5 of your 20 required points.
(No, their home study course won't get you Eligibility Points either. And you can't take just the 3-day without taking the home study portion as well, according to material they sent me.)
CIT is affiliated with AII, which is one of 3 named associations whose training applies toward eligibility points. Both CIT and AII are out of Klamath Falls. They hold classes in various locations around the country.
I haven't taken their course, nor know anyone who does either, but the State of Oregon specifically accepts them:
"ASHI, NAHI or AII conference learning courses or seminars that are a minimum of 3 hours each. 1 point each 3 hour class. 10 maximum" (points from these sources).
The rest can be ride-alongs, applicable college courses, experience... It's all in the packet. Don't forget the 0.5 points if the Oregon Certified Home Inspector (OCHI) gives you a written, signed recommendation - so each ride along can be worth 1.5 points if you ride with a different inspector each time! (I'm no dummy!)