Home Gauge Software

While you guy’s fight it out, I’ll sit back and smile.


I’m currently beta testing 3D version 12. Many big and awesome changes on the way, mostly to office management because as you can see, the report doesn’t really need much work. :smiley:

Now if you will, please, carry on. :cool:

I’d hate to tell you Kev, but, Bob’s retard sample looks nicer.:p:p

Admit it, it’s the smiley happy face on Bob’s cover page.

And no, you can’t have sex with it so don’t be getting any ideas. :mrgreen:

90% of all home inspectors use HIP.
This is only because only :Council of Men : members are allowed to use my Three hole Punch software which blows all out of the water with new punch card and C.O. B. O. L. Technology personal developed by myself.
Love how guys keep telling me to update my sample or do this and that without having a clue as to why I do not.

This is only your opinion. There is no way you could know this. As for a detailed explanation I told you why and you haven’t even tried HG from our last conversation. Give it a good try then voice your final decision.