Home inspector in Canada eh, 'Basement water entry simplified'

Hmmm okay sir… so the corner crack 1:25 video, that is OPEN err cracked on the exterior of that wall and so, to SIMPLIFY, it needs to be waterproofed & backfilled correctly on the outside, the corner.
As a home inspector don’t you, shouldn’t you, tell that to the realtor, buyer?

If you tell the realtor, buyer they can… raise and slope the grade or extend downspout ext’s 5 miles away, that doesn’t repair/waterproof the ONGOING—existing–exterior defects, cracks!
C’mon, leave stuff like this open, further deteriorate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dpGpiB7kQI)
IF there was 1++ openings in a roof you inspected, what would you do, write up, tell realtor, buyer??
Build relationships w/realtors? How about doing your job thoroughly and being honest about the existing defects, to me that would be a good start