I had a problem with my laptop hard drive and it is totally useless now. I had to go out and buy a new drive and install it tonight. I had HomeGauge installed on the old drive and had to download the evaluation copy to put it on my new drive. Not thinking, I did not adjust the system time right when I installed Windows XP on the new drive and was a whole year off. When I realized after I got most of my software installed back on the new drive, I updated the date. Now the evaluation copy will not work for me and I have an inspection on Sunday. I called some other guys to see if they could lend me a license number until I can get in contact with HomeGauge on Monday and I tried plugging in some donated license numbers. None of them worked for me. In desperation to get this fixed by Sunday, I went to HomeGauge and bought the 3 payment option of $295.00 thinking that it would email me a license number and I could clear it up with HomeGauge on Monday when they are back in the office. The email I got said they will send it to me in the mail. I can’t wait that long.
Does anyone know of a way to get ahold of HomeGauge or Russell so I can get a working license number? I am panicing here since my inspection is on Sunday morning.
HomeGuage support is usually open on Saturday Mornings. I’ve called a few times then.
Also post a message on the Homegauge message board under the inspection software forum.
Those guys read that at some odd middle of the night times. Leave your name & number in the message.
With the great support from HomeGauge, I’ll bet you get your problem solved in time for your inspection using all these methods.
Come back and let us know.
Well, NEVER MIND. I went to the HomeGauge forum to check something and even though it’s 11:10 PM on Friday night, I see that Sean has already taken care of you about five minutes ago.
If you cannot get things worked out before your inspection, go to www.reporthost.com . It is a web based system. They also have a laptop version that works really well. Just look for the download on their website. Nachi members get 15 free reports. Not sure though if it will set you up right away, although I believe that it does.