I vote a raise for Dee for all she has to do…
those earrings…LOL.
very nice
So when will she be modeling the emperor’s new clothes !!
Wow…now that’s dedication.
Whats next NACHI tatoos?
Looks good on Dee, but would not be a good look for me.
Is that a Ralph Lauren NACHI shirt?
Dee, or the clothing?:twisted:
Thats nothing like the black dress she wore in Vegas! THAT was nice! If I recall it was for the date Mario won with her. That was the best daily door prize ever huh Mario!?!?!! Love Ya Dee! :mrgreen:
William you look different in your pic. Have you changed your hair style?
Nope…thats how I remember him looking…
I’m tellin’ your wife. :twisted:
I won that prize date and gave it away, and I never even
got a thank you card from Mario…
But… I did get to live and breath for a few more years
with my wonderful wife… She gave me a full pardon
and stopped the execution. :shock: