OK, by those accomplishments then, as a native Texan, I have the right to bestow upon you the title of “Texan” and with it all of the privileges and responsibilities that come with that title. This is not an honorary title but rather an official one so handle it with care and pride and it will serve you well.
But Buddy, Pal, don’t I get to come by and visit you while doing the last item??
O.K., let’s see, how can I get the title taken away so I have to do the last item??? Hmmm… I know!! Guess what?? I even own a Little Joe hat to wear around. (Hee Hee, that should get me off the official “Native Texan” list"!)
Now I’m really confused. You say they license code inspectors throughout the state of Texas - wowie.
Been down there 3-4 times in the past few years looking at construction defects or moisture problems in stucco for owners for potential litigation. Never had anyone tell us we needed any type of license.
The Texas Real Estate Commission licenses home inspectors, aka real estate inspectors. We are only licensed for 1-4 family residences. If a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction decides to hire a home inspector, the inspector must be licensed and the TREC form must be used.
I think Dan is referring to this
Barry, do you know where I can locate the requirements for becoming a third party tx dept of insurance inspector? I looked on that site but could not find anything.
Here is the URL: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/company/vipagnt.html
You will want to fill out Form VIP-3 and send it to the TDI. They will review and send you a substantial packet of information and your TDI ID.
asleep at the wheel
insomnia is a b!tch when sleep does come it’s like bricks 2 hr nap and good for at least 12
Nolan posted the correct link