Because I disagree with your assessment that the question smears our reputation, a few agree with me, and a few do not. I stated my opinion just as you did.
The simple answer Ryan and Robert provided sufficed. But BMOC had to come in bellowing about her ignorance. THAT is harm to our reputation.
Detached. Unfeeling. Superior. You wear it like a badge.
I for one, think the question was just fine. Many inspectors might not see a lockout device, or might not see it as a repair for a missing disconnect. Obviously some here aren’t on Facebook, or aren’t in the FB home inspector groups. A recent post was a picture of a gas meter asking what it is for. Now that was a bit of a wake up call to how many unqualified people are in this profession.
You did not answer my question. Instead as you wrote it appears you have no concern about the reputation of the CMI designation. Also you choose not to help the OP and others like her only because you disagree with my assessment. You rant about how the OP was treated but are not willing to do something about it and plainly you can easily do that using my suggestion. Why are you so opposed to taking the OP under your wing, being at the ready and her call, to mentor her to be a better CMI or even Inspector for that matter?
Also in your statement and actions you are leading us to believe that only your opinion is the right opinion. First off my response to the OP was part fact and part opinion based on the title of Certified Master Inspector. Regardless why do you continually attempt to use your opinion as a defense/rebuttal approach. Are we not allowed to have our own opinions or do you believe we should all just “conform” to one opinion which is yours?
Which answers are you speaking of since they made multiple posts? Or is this just an attempt to vaguely make a point that has no merit?
There is a very clear FACT here to be learned by those who can not see. When a person worries inordinately about how others perceive them, when they continually try seeking the approval of others, and when they continually try to defend the indefensible that is a clear sign of a lack of confidence in their own self and abilities. Those types will cling to whatever beliefs and actions that will stroke their own egos and self aggrandizing images.
On the other hand when a person has high degree of integrity (go look up the definition and be careful which dictionary you use) many do look at that person as “Detached. Unfeeling. Superior.” and those many that look at others that way typically lack integrity. Those with integrity do wear their integrity like a badge as it is their guiding principle.
So which of those two sides do you associate with?
I didn’t miss your point. Your point was partly about inspectors not willing to come back to ask questions because of the harsh treatment they receive. I reiterated that point. It’s nothing new, this forum already has a bad reputation for discouraging others from asking questions.
What harms the industry are inspectors making fraudulent claims about their accolades. I blame the inspection industry for that.
Manny was not a complete a-hole in the public section to a fellow member for asking a question. His criticism of her education and credentials shines a bright light on our industry. Thank goodness there are others to validate.
I think the members of this group went easy on her. Look at the title of this post. Hot water electric tank.
Had she been a he there would have been dozens of members jumping on board with their little water heaters with bikinis, etc.
She did ask a very basic electrical question that was covered under the beginners electrical CPI training. Education needs to be retained, and if you can’t retain it, it needs to be constantly reviewed.
You are right of course. She deserved more admonishment in the public section of this forum. Public flogging of our members is good for our reputation, while dumb questions are bad.
You are right. Manny, I apologize for this statement. I should have let others reach this conclusion on their own.
I was pointing out the irony that Manny said her question in the public section was a blight on the industry while simultaneously smearing the member and the industry in the public section. Others joined in.
I have said it too many different ways now. If these brainiacs don’t see the irony and hypocrisy, oh well. It is apparently on me.
Too bad you can’t see your own hypocrisy! You spend a lot of words criticizing others for being critical and defending people who neither asked for or needed your defense. In the words of my Grandmom, “Puty a sock in it!”
I Kind of feel like this topic has been beat down to it needing to be closed. No value is coming forward on it! But the banter is still strong. I am going to get back to actually inspecting!