This is actually at my own home. I knew this day would come where the main water feed line would require replacement.
Seems in 1971, in order to save a few bucks, the builders in our neighborhood decided to run a six foot copper line from the meter to, a 20 foot line of galvanized pipe, and then to another six foot piece of copper pipe to the home.
There aren’t any other “weakest links” as the rest of the system is all copper.
The first picture actually happened when I was talking to my neighbor. The line was already exposed and while we were talking, we heard a swoosh sound and looked over and saw that the pipe had started to leak.
The pressure wasn’t really the issue,it was more flow. I knew when I bought the home 13 yeas ago that at some point, I would have to change the line as I knew the neighborhood had poor water pressure.
I was just surprised that they took the time to do it the way they did. It probably cost more to do it that way than to just run one continuous copper line.
Now, you can run every fixture in the house and there is no loss of pressure. The days of my little prank on the wife, of flushing the toilet while she is in the shower, are gone. I’ll have to come up withe some other prank!
Naw… just a gentleman’s wager. I wouldn’t want to depleat you of your fund’s.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen it… increase the flow or pressure on a system thats been deficient for a period of time, and whammo… leaks start springing up everywhere.
Jeff, it could be worse, water lines up here are 6’-8’ deep. Now that would suck.
The pressure in my house is 92# and I still haven’t installed a pressure regulator. I know, some day I will pay for it. ;):mrgreen:
I have seen it as well, but in different construction. There are probably 15 homes in eh neighborhood, which have changed their feed lines over the last 7 years and none of them had any problems. I don’t foresee any problems, but, I’ll let you know if any develop.
A little trash in the shut off valves or aerators, which I have already cleaned out, but that was about it.
Ditto here… mine comes in about 12 inches below the slab (full basement- 7 ft headroom). City replaced with plastic about 5 years ago. (Meter’s in basement here).
Actually, some didn’t.
And the builder was known for not cutting corners.
There is a neighborhood in Oakland Park that, last I heard, was suing the city because the water pressure was so poor. All of those homes were copper all they way through.
If I had to bury the lines 6-8 feet deep, I would have called someone else to do it while I sat by my pool drinking Margaritas.
Actually, the main line is 16 inches deep. Those other lines are my sprinkler system and in the picture of the leaking pipe, my neighbors sprinkler system!
I informed him that I have found yet another one of his heads which is actually buried on my property. It was capped off.