How many Home Inspector Licenses Will be Issued Under the Grandfather Clause?

The Florida licensing buzz is on, post your license#, last one in before Grandfathering ends wins a prize to be determined at a later date. :smiley:

Well according to DBPR I can decide to be an Inspector 6 months from now join nachi and take the flnachi test and I am “Grandfathered”
They have gone from one extrem to the other. If anybody is still standing around wondering what ot do after the grandfathering time limit they weren’t paying attention.

I think they refer to that as GrandMOTHERING.

Yup, my wife qualifies. :smiley:

This is the ratio: 5 per day x 5 days x 4 weeks x 8 months = 800 by March 11, 2011.

There will be many more than 800 by March. Hell, NACHI has over 1000 alone

I think Alfred is refering to how many the State will process, not how many have applied. Remember, at 5,000 pages per every other grandfather application, they don’t have much room to walk around, and their muscles are aching, which slows things down even further.

I would say that in a state the size of FL that you will have around 500 to 700 who will take the grandfather route for their license. Then you will have another 1000-1500 who will go the school route and testing to get their license. So in the first year you will have around 2000 to 2500 who will have or are attempting to get a license.

Then two years or whenever the renewal period is you will see that number cut in half. Then you will see it level out to around 1500 statewide.

In TN we hit right at 1000 inspectors the first couple of years ( 2006-2008 ) and now we have less than 400 in the state and they are still dropping…

In Missouri, in spite of predictions to the contrary, we continue to keep the carpetbaggers (NHIE, etc.) out of our state and prevent them from enriching themselves through worthless legislation.

I find it doubtful that even 10% of the applicants will choose the Experience option because the Certification route (taking an exam and a having 14 hours of education) is a much easier than submitting 120 inspection reports.


What did the fees do in your state post licensing?

And a good looking Grandmother at that

It is easier and cheaper to do it the using the exam system. The cost of paper, ink, electricity, packaging and delivering the 120 inspection reports is way higher and more time consuming than taking the test.

They stayed about the same at first then started to inch upwards. Now with the economy they have started to go back down. I expect they will inch back up when homes start selling better.

Right now an average fee for a 2000 sf home will be around $300 to $325 and for a 4,000 sf home it will be around $400 to $450 depending on the inspector.

I’m fairly amazed that 11 of 25 voters to this date (44%) believe that there will be less than 1000 licenses issued under grandfathering since there are more than that which are eligible. I guess we’ll know in March.

My logic has always been that some of the people that are potentially able to take advantage of the grandfathering clause will not due to the expense of licensure and insurance. Many that are currently not home inspectors will miss the deadline for qualifying for the grandfathering. I do not believe there there will be a huge onslaught of people rushing into the HI business just because it now has a professional license, many will, just not like some are predicting.

Being that we have all known this was coming for 3 years - and given that many of us have had to carry GL insurance any way in order to perform inspections of newly constructed homes - I really don’t see the " hugh" expense …

We have been saved a hugh expense by even be allowed the opertunity to be Grandfathered in. Now if we all had to drop and get 120 hour education cousre in 8 months - THAT would be a hugh expense! Especially in my house where there are 2 of us who are inspectors.

InterNACHI is at about 10% of those who have applied for licenses. It may be a little higher.

I got approved today. My licence # is 97