How the inspection business in WARM weather areas?

Holy moly, I just shoveled for an hour and a half and I’m not halfway done, coming inside for a coffee/NACHI MB break. No inspections booked for today, but I have one tomorrow…brrr. Arizona looks like they don’t get snow, no humidity, heck, its the desert, I might not even have grass to mow, maybe I’ll go out there?

Hell I live in GA and this morning with wind chill is 6 degress, guess I didn’t move far enough south

Yesterday ended with a high of 78 degrees and a light breeze from the north east. If it wasn’t for the weather, I’d find somewhere other than CA to run my business…

Jeff weather is a poor excuse for staying in Ca. :p:p:D

14 in TN . what in hell . Poor Sean is freezing . I just hope he doesnt put his toungue on anything metal today .

Its -26C, feels like -34C (-29F) here in Toronto today.

Have a 1 Year Tarion inspection later this afternoon. Hopefully my van starts up fine - it has not let me down yet so I am thinking positive about it. Not much snow on the roads which is good :slight_smile:

Weather-wize, CA is probably the safest state in the nation - no hurricanes, no tornadoes, no deadly heat waves and rarely do we get dangerous freeze conditions (especially in SoCal).

Sure, we get the occasional earthquake and seasonal fires :D, but those are relatively easy to deal with and recover from.

Just got in, it is about 10 degrees (F) out not sure on wind chill. So I guess its better than Ontario.

Well Jeff, you have the two things we dont, earthquakes and wildfires. We get all that other stuff…Well, not tornados. Perhaps thats why North Easterners have the reputation for being a bit meaner that those out west.

BTW, the plow guy just buried the front of my driveway…

Boulder, sunny, 55 degrees, precipitation 0%, wind 0 mph, just another winter day in paradise.

Minnesota Gov. just ordered all K-12 schools closed on Monday for safety due to frigid temps…


EXCEPT FOR MAYBE 10 Days a year.

Unless of course you like flirting with heat stroke every day.

I know I’m in Rhode Island but we get the point, Jeff.


Shucks if ya want safe go dig a cave along side Nick in Colorado. One day ya will have to take a boat from Nevada to Ca. If weather was my only concern it would be very south Texas for me. Your Taxes and the general economy in Ca would make me exit your state just like a Rat from a Burning barn.

I don’t care for cold weather either but I tolerate it. Started out for yesterdays inspect at 14 degrees

The economy is fine in parts of California, but I’m astonished at how much Californian’s are willing to pay in taxes.

That photo is more true than you probably realize :smiley:

Checking air houses in Windsor all day. Well below zero here. At least the inside of them are heated from the plant! I’ve seen towns smaller than this roof! Nice view of Detroit though…

Oh and 2 homes booked for tomorrow.


Detroit skyline in the distance


Coming back next week to finish up the other 15 on this building.

Luckily the fierce wind has blown the top 2 feet of snow away :slight_smile:

I have one book for Tuesday morning at 8 and suppose to be -16, should be interesting since don’t own a winter coat

Global warming research ship stuck in ice…nuff said.