How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This picture of my current manufactured home shows the access to the crawlspace of an addition build onto the home. The most obvious issue here is the lack of a vapor retarder. It would be recommend to install a proper vapor retarder covering the dirt to prevent moisture from evaporating out of the ground and into the crawlspace.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Proper attic insulation is a very important factor in reducing home energy costs. Proper attic insulation can provide a 20% savings in heating and cooling. However steps must be taken to insure the job is done correctly. Electrical fixtures must have a 3" clearance from insulation and proper baffles for ventilation must be in place. Special care must be taken to not compress any insulation as this reduces the r-value and will not provide the optimal insulation. A vapor barrier can be especially helpful but it must face the interior of the house.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

When inspecting insulation with a infrared camera. It is best to achieve a 15 to 20 difference in temperature. The heat or air conditioning should then be turned off, and the inspector should wait at least 15 minutes before commencing with the IR inspection

Research & Writing Assignment:

When inspecting insulation with a infrared camera. It is best to achieve a 15 to 20 difference in temperature. The heat or air conditioning should then be turned off, and the inspector should wait at least 15 minutes before commencing with the IR inspection

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This picture depicts windows in a bedroom that do not allow for proper egress in the event of an emergency. The maximum allowable height is 44 inches from the sill to the floor. Sill height more than 44 inches is considered a hazard.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I reviewed a photo of solar panels from the gallery. Solar energy is growing in popularity by those seeking alternate renewable energy sources. Solar panels store energy from the sun and that energy is used to power electrical components within the house or business.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Water Intrusion: Water intrusion at exterior walls can be caused by many different conditions. Poor waterproofing systems like lack of proper vapor barriers or the elevation at the exterior not properly sloped away from the building. Mold can form on the surface of the interior wall as well as in the wall cavity itself. This condition can also become a structural issue as framing members decay from dry rot.

Research & Writing Assignment:

STAIRS: The Golden Rule for stairs has long been seven and eleven. 7 inch rise and 11 tread. Special attention should be given to check that the rise of any step can not differ more than 3/8". This causes a tripping hazard as when going up and down steps you become programed to the repetition of each step and any greater distance could cause a trip and fall.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

In this picture you can see fiberglass batt insulation around the PVC venting for the furnace and water heater (power vented). You can also see the vapour retarder on the interior of the wall. As this is a cold climate dwelling it is correct for the vapour retarder to be on the inside. However, the vapour retarder should be continuous to the top of the floor or rigid foam should have been used.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Article: Fiberglass Insulation (
An excellent concise article describing the history of fiberglass, its varied uses, and hazards related to fiberglass. The article also briefly describes cellulose, and alternative insulator to fiberglass. In my experience is seems that new fiberglass batts are much less irritating on contact than older fiberglass. This may be due to the older fiberglass becoming more brittle with time and thus disintegrate into small pieces when handled. Inspectors should always use an appropriate respirator when inspecting around fiberglass.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Ghosting is discoloring on a homes walls, ceilings, or floors as a result of particulate attaching themselves to their surfaces. Small particles such as soil, animal dander, soot, and cooking residue commonly stick to materials for two reasons. One is that they tend to be sticky especially when it comes to cooking. The other is that these particles often times carry and electric charge and stick to one another creating patterns on surfaces throughout a home.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Inspectors should always look for standing water in a crawl space. In this picture standing water was observed along the inside edge of the foundation. The hurricane tie down straps had rusted in half and most needed to be replaced.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

In this picture you can see the insulation is falling from the ceiling in a garage due to water damage. The sheetrock has already fallen and no longer holding the insulation in place, thus not insulating the floor of the above room well.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

the picture here of a spray foam insulation install. the insulation has a r value of 3.2 to 3.8 per inch of insulation. This insulation I have witnessed to provide the best heat deflection and insulation to a home. biggest con is no visual of moisture damage if it does exist

Research & Writing Assignment:

the article read for research as on the R value of insulation. How to measure properly along with how insulation is a vital part to a homes energy success. Thought r value is not measured on layers or thickness, layers compressed only decrease the r value. proper insulation maintenance is also vital to the insulation effectiveness.

Research & Writing Assignment:

For my research assignment I read an article by Nick Gromicko called Pest Birds. According to the article, the common problems caused by pest birds are due to the following: birds nests, birds droppings and noise. Approximately sixty diseases and dangerous parasitic pathogens can be found in birds droppings reported the article. The author stated that commercial properties are most affected by pest birds. The author continued by reporting that pest birds could damage properties and place human health at risk. Bird netting, scare-away devices, pin and wire system are some preventative measure a property owner can take against pest birds.
Smith Joseph

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Ive inspected a Double-Hung window for my assignment. The window was a double pane glass window. Upon inspection, the window stiles, sash, glass, muntins, check rail and trims appeared to be in good condition. I confirmed that the window was in good operative condition by moving the window up and down.
Smith Joseph

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Image of a 100yr old house double hung window,both sashes go up and dowm with the assistance of counter weights ,one in each side of the frame.They are inside a channel which can be opened to gain access to the weights,the weights are held by cord and adjusted for equal Ballance to the other weight.If the cord breaks the sash becomes more difficult to open and stay open and the sash could drop on one side,it is known for people to hold them up with wood pieces till repairs can be carried out.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Ants:ants are annoying at the most,but to encourage them to your home is another matter.Ants can avoid to the house if certain things are taken care of,ants are mostly looking for food but more of water,cleaning around counter tops,sealing food in bags if stored in a cupboard,moving stacked logs or old wood as the moisture in rotten wood is a great nesting ground,don’t be fooled by thinking you have moved them far enough because the can form a trail of thousands going back and forth with water and food.carpenter ants are dangerous to soft moist wood where they breed,burrough there way into wood,if connected to property they can cause severe structural damage.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The picture shows the three ways heat can move. The three ways are radiation, convection, and conduction. Radiation is the movement of heat through empty spaces. The best example is heat from the sun. Convection is heat movement through liquid and gases. An example of convection heat is the heat from made by boiling water. The last form of heat movement is conduction is the movement through a solid. Heat movement through a solid can be described as metal gets heated by the sun and then an individuals touches that metal and then you grab the metal piece and your hand gets burned from the metal.