How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course

Research & Writing Assignment:

Inspectors can pass tips along to homeowners about attic access. Some of these tips include: don’t allow children to enter the attic access; avoid carrying large loads up the attic access ladder as it puts strain on the structure; and replace old, worn ladders with new ones. The article referred to aluminum models, which are lighter and sturdier.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Entrance steps to home are constructed of pressure treated wood and rest upon a concrete pad. As there are only three steps handrails and/or guards are not required. While not a defect, it is worth noting that the rise of the bottom step is less than the top two steps, so this may be a trip hazard.
The solar lighting illuminating the landing does not meet the requirement for lighting the top step, which must switchable from inside the structure. Alternatively an automatic/motion sensor switched light may be used.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I will be working in extreme south Florida where it is hot and humid most of the time (Zone 1). The placement of the vapor retarder in the exterior wall materials, thereby creating an ‘inward drying’ wall system is critically important. Many examples are available that demonstrate the sad consequences of applying more northern zone practices that produce an ‘outward drying’ wall with the predictable result of interior condensation. Mitigation of this is difficult at best, and likely to be both expensive and of limited impact.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Attic Insulation should be provided on the attic floor for several reasons. The first is gravity. It is easier to lay insulation on the floor. The second is heating costs. No advantage to heating the attic space. Third reason is prevention of condensation.

Research & Writing Assignment:

There can be many types of insulation used in homes. The most common is fiberglass. Mineral wool is a similar fiberglass excpet that it is used to form the wool-like material. Cellulose fiber, is essentially paper, finely shredded and chemically treated to resist moisture, fire, rot and vermin. Other types are plastic board and sprayed foam.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The attached photo is of insulation in a crawl space that became wet and fell. This indicates moisture intrusion into the crawl space. A proper moisture barrier was not in place to prevent the moisture from the ground to infiltrate the area causing the insulation to become wet and ineffective.

Research & Writing Assignment:

During this course I learned that insulation can not be compressed and retain its same R value, the R value will greatly decline when insulation is forced into a space that does not allow the air to travel through sufficiently.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This set of risers does not have a handrail meeting state code. Any stairway with four or more risers should have a handrail on at least one side. The handrail height should be at least 34 inches, and no more than 38 inches.

Research & Writing Assignment:

For my essay I chose the article; Inspecting insulation in existing crawlspace floors. This article helped me better understand the importance of properly installing ‘ground cover’ or vapor diffusing barriers. If vapor diffusing barriers are not continuous around all ‘piers’, it can result in a wet or damp crawlspace which directly contributes to organic mold growth.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is an example of blown cellulose insulation. This insulation is easily installed even in older attics. The cover over ceiling joists reduces thermal bridging. Cellulose has a higher R value than many other types of insulation. This insulation can be made from chipped recycled newspaper treated with a flame retarder.

Research & Writing Assignment:

It is important to inspect the attic entrance as well as the attic. The attic entrance should have a sturdy ladder and be cut to flush with the floor when fully extended. If the entrance is in a climate controlled portion of the home, it should be insulated. If the entrance is in a garage, the entrance should close completely to form a fire break.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Crawlspaces can be the perfect place for mold to thrive. Mold needs three things to survive,Moisture, a food source and humidity and they can be found in a crawlspace. Due to the fact that crawlspaces can go long periods of of time without an inspection extensive damage can occur in crawlspaces.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This an image of a window with Condensation visible on the glass at a double-pane window. This indicated that the strip designed to absorb moisture from the space between the panes has become saturated and will no longer prevent condensation from forming.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This was through the second attic access in the home. This access let me see a short wall and a barrier to help hold up the blown in insulation that is above for the Next Room. At the time of inspection this mesh barrier was falling. This could lead to some energy loss in that room. It would help conserve energy to re-staple this mesh barrier and check to make sure the insulation is deep enough.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I studied an image from the image library on cold air infiltration. This picture showed cold air leaking in from under a window. Because cold air is heavier and contains more moisture it had created a moisture problem that left mold on the wall behind the curtains. Insulating and flashing windows properly both around and making sure it seals with no air leakage is important for both Energy Efficiency and indoor air quality.

Research & Writing Assignment:

The article I chose was"Rodent Inspection." Rodents are a problem in a house because they can create problems with the house structure. Rodents can also spread diseases to humans through feces, urine etc. To remove rodents, homeowners will need to use traps, rodenticides or hire a professional.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Attic stairs not properly installed. Stair length not properly trimmed to meet the floor and allow safe attic access. Improper installation could lead to a fall and injury.
Recommend having a contractor properly trim/install and re-inspect stairs. Also recommend attic door insulation to improve energy efficiency of the space.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

In addition to checking the functional and safety features of a garage door, the trim and gaskets should be check as well. A very common place to find wood rot is at the bottom of the door trim where it comes into contact with the ground. Because the end grain of the lumber is in contact or really close to the surface it can easily wick up water. This is very common in the door jamb and the brick molding, and can even creep it’s way into the wall framing.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Range anti-tip bracket. Having tagged along on several inspections, I have yet to see an anti-tip bracket in action. Seems as thought this is a seldom installed safety device missing from most homes. Glad the home inspection community is raising awareness on this easy fix, to prevent needless injury.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Garage doors and openers

A safety inspection of a automatic garage door is very important. First check that all the hardware is secure, not missing, or has excessive wear. Then move on to functional tests. Check that the photo eyes work and are located in the proper locations, then test the auto reverse function. The red pull handle for manual operation should also be in good condition and not more than six feet of the ground.