How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course

Research & Writing Assignment:

Researchers are proving that closed crawl space areas in warm humid climates like Florida are actually better than open ventilation. Open ventilation can actually promote mold and fungi growth in crawl spaces. Proper vaper barriers and air flow sealant can actually increase energy savings in the home

Are there any unmanned “drones” that can be used to look in a crawlspace without actually going down?

I thought about getting a car with a camera but some crawlspaces have obstruction that prevents the vehicle from moving forward or returning back to me.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This photo is a picture in a manufactured home crawl space that shows hanging insulation. The insulation should be re-secured to provide maximum energy efficiency and allow access to parts of crawl space that otherwise would be inaccessible with it in its current state.

Research & Writing Assignment:

During my inspections of homes from the 60’s to mid to late 70’s I pay particular attention to the electrical system with regards to aluminum branch wiring. Aluminum wire poses a potential hazard as it has been found that poor connections can cause overheating, which can cause fire.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Moisture intrusion can be a real problem, leading to various defects within a building as well as health issues. 98% of water vapor occurs with air movement. Check for roof leaks, plumbing leaks, wall penetrations in utility room, adequate insulation in attic, foundation walls etc… Proper sealing of the building envelope will help in the prevention of moisture intrusion.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This home has an example of a deck that adheres to the printed standards for balusters. They are spaced four inches apart which is close enough to prevent a child from getting stuck between them. They appear to be well fastened to the rim joist.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Crawlspaces can be dangerous places for the home inspector. An inspector needs to be alert and wary for a number of potential hazards. He should be prepared to encounter animals and insects. Water leaks and poor electrical connections should be looked for as well.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The photo is of a crawlspace and its floor. A professional should be seeked. The floor has not been properly insulated with a vapor diffusion retarder. For example 6 mil polyethylene sheeting. This will help keep the cold air in the winter from reaching the wood floor above and causing moisture damage, and help the heat bill as well.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This photo is taken from the attic space. The following concerns are noted in this photo: The insulation appears to be compressed which will lower the R value of the insulation. Additional insulation should be added. Recommend evaluation by a licensed contractor for repair or replacement.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The insulation is loose in multiple locations and feels damp to the touch particularly around the sump pump. There is evidence of standing water under the plastic sheeting and above the sheeting in several areas. The discoloration (graying) of the floor joist indicates that they have been exposed to moisture. Upon further inspection it was found that the sump pump is not functional and may be contributing or cause of the damp conditions.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Insulation R-Value
Just about every time I’ve been in an attic checking on everything from a bathroom exhaust fan, recessed lighting or looking for a roof leak the homeowner asks if they have enough insulation in the attic. Usually my reply is that it is pretty difficult to have too much. The chart in the article, which is also included in the course from InterNACHI, will allow me to give them a better approximation of the R-value they have based on the type of insulation that is present for the client.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Inspecting Insulation of Existing Crawlspace Floors:
When inspecting crawlspace insulation, it will depend on whether the space is conditioned or vented. In a typical vented system, and depending on climate, we want to see insulation under the interior floor. There are no specific requirements for floor insulation.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Thermal insulation in the attic above the original home structure appeared to contain vermiculite, which typically has small amounts of asbestos in it. At the time of inspection, it had already been confirmed that this insulation contained asbestos and will be replaced at the sellers cost. I recommend getting verification that the hazardous product has been removed and also that new insulation is installed so the r-value is up to current code.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Upon inspecting the entrance door it is the acceptable height and width. The door swings outward over a step. The step is 4",which is acceptable, but the door requires a landing of at least 36" in the direction of travel and the width of no less than the threshhold.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is an image of a stair run that does not have the necessary handrails. Although the house was built in 1914, well before current codes were in place, I would advise the prospective buyer to install the necessary handrail.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Living in an urban area and seeing a rise in the number of home burglaries, I pay particular attention to the type and current condition of the front door. Seeing that roughly 34% of home burglaries enter through the front door, I check to make sure that the door is made of steel or solid-core wood construction and that the door is free of signs of rot, cracking or warping.

Research & Writing Assignment:

“How to Get Real Value from Replacement Windows” The thought of replacing windows can be a daunting one, but the choices in materials and design to fit the unique needs of your home are readily available. The expense may seem like a lot, but 65-85% of the expense will be returned if one chooses to sell the house. If the home is not going to be sold anytime soon, the savings in energy and the ability to add any missing insulation, replace any damaged framing, eliminate leaks and achieve minimal air leakage should give any homeowner piece of mind they made the right decision replacing old, leaky or damaged windows.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is a picture of stairs leading to the back door of a home. Because there are more than two steps leading up to the door, a landing area is required at the top of stairs. Not having a landing is acceptable if there are two or less stairs.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

In this photo you can see the open risers is over 5 inches in diameter. The open risers should not allow the passage of a sphere 4 inches in diameter. This is a hazard and should be noted as a defect and recommended repair.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Inspecting for Air Leaks with IR Cameras can be a tool for inspectors. Viewing the actual temperature in a given area is quick and easy. Images taken with the IR camera to show differences in heat in a given area can be included with the inspection report. Ideal conditions to use an IR camera is when there is a 15 to 20 degree difference from the inside to the outside of the house. Knowing where the common problem areas for air leaks will also help this process. Once a potential problem is identified it can be further examined to verify the true issues.