How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Blown in fiberglass insulation noted in the attic space. Approx. 12" of insulation noted throughout the area providing a sufficient r-value. I Recommend adding insulation to the back of the access door to prevent heat loss from around the opening.

Research & Writing Assignment:

It has become known that there are problems related to low e glass installations. Reflective light from low e windows has been known to melt vinyl siding due to the sun reflecting off the glass on to the siding. Window and siding manufacturers are beginning to address this issue.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Basement Stairs: The railing is loose in the middle and should be secured . Risers are 7-3/4" and in acceptable range. Treads are 9" and below minimum 10" minimum. Advise replacing treads. Lighting is not available at the top of steps and recommend adding additional light.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

In the attic I found that 2 of the Structural Trusses were cut. These Trusses were cut in order to install attic pull-down stairs. This is not allowed and in my Report I will need to call this out. Inserting that this will need to be looked at by a Structural Engineer.

Research & Writing Assignment:

In the attic I found that 2 of the Structural Trusses were cut. These Trusses were cut in order to install attic pull-down stairs. This is not allowed and in my Report I will need to call this out. Inserting that this will need to be looked at by a Structural Engineer.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Spray foam insulation like in this image adds R value and an air barrier to a rim joist. Home builders in the past would tuck a piece of fiberglass with a vapor retarder on one side here. While the fiberglass may slow heat loss or gain depending on the weather outside, this spay foam does a better job of stopping air flow and reducing thermal bridging. New home constructions use this, although in a finished basement ceiling, its not visible to inspect.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Biological Pollutants in the Home
Excessive moisture inside a house can lead to allergic, infectious or toxic reactions in young, elderly or the chronically ill when that moisture aids in the growth of biologic pollution. This article lists many sources of the moisture and many steps that homeowners can take to reduce it. Here is one moisture source and the solution: Carpeting on basement floors can hold moisture from condensation caused by a cold concrete floor. Covering the floor with a vapor retarding plastic sheet and or adding a plywood or carpet pad insulation layer will reduce the moisture held in the carpet. Some good carpet pads have the plastic on them. Buying the best quality pad will help even the poorest quality carpet stay dry.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Mud slab crawlspace:
Crawlspace is below grade level with ground vapor diffuser retarder(polyethylene sheeting)that does not extend up the wall or have a seal along wall sides or at overlapping seams. Moisture is present under retarder. Noted efflorescence on concrete block wall.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Evidence of Thermal Bridging. Thermal Bridging is a condition caused from poor insulation around rafters and or wall framing. What happens in these situations is that moisture condensates around the rafter and or framing from condensation when the rafter and or framing temperature is not equalized to the surrounding area and condensates.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Modification and improper bearing loads of a truss system. The truss system has been modified and repaired using the improper nailing flanges and inadequate fasteners. The bearing loads were also running the bottom chord of the truss to the wall and secured through drywall. A truss should be resting on the wall framing. Recommend further evaluation by a structural engineer

Research & Writing Assignment:

Advantages of Solar energy

Fluctuating costs of fossil fuels, dwindling availability, and a negatively impacted environment begs the question, why not invest in solar energy. Numerous advantages exist for energy sources that are low emission and renewable.
Many regions have ample amounts of sunlight that could easily be cultivated into renewable energy. Solar energy would greatly benefit areas that do not have access to grid energy networks significantly improving quality of life. Initial expenses may be a deterrent at first, but upon closer investigation costs can be offset over time by reduced energy bills, utilizing tax credits and potential for net metering.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Installing Attic Insulation:
Insulation up to and r value of 49 is recommended in colder climates. Warmer climates the number is 30. The first step in the installation process should be to install bafflers where the rafters meet the joist. This will help to maintain attic ventilation from the soffits to the ridge, or other top vents. The easiest method is to blow in the insulation, either fiberglass or cellulose. Fiberglass has a R3/inch value and cellulose has a R4/inch.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The attached photo is of a Crawlspace entrance, through the floor found in a master bedroom closet. The mechanical is all found in the crawlspace. The opening is 27"x27" and if the 2x4’s are removed the opening becomes 30"x30", large enough for access of all the equipment, as required. Note there is, Adequate lighting, no vapor retarder barrier over the dirt floor and the ducting has no insulation.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Crawlspace Hazards
Crawlspaces should be approached with caution. Dark Damp areas are magnets for insects and rodents alike. The dampness can promote Molds and fungus’s which can play havoc on the body if exposure is long enough or concentrated enough. Then there are the man made hazards. Unsecured insulation(Which can become airborne and inhaled), Protruding nails, the sharp edges of metal from strapping and mechanical equipment. Dropped nails, screws, razor blades and other tools that were not cleaned up or retrieved can puncture the skin and cause infection. Waring PPE is really more important than people realize. Heine sight can be more frustrating than the actual injury itself. Ware the knee pads, glasses, gloves and the respirator. If u don’t carry ty-veck suits or coveralls. At least ware long sleeves and pants. Remember you are not required to enter any space you consider unsafe, per SOP.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

For the inspection of the window, I made sure that the window was properly sealed in order to prevent any water intrusion. I also checked for any possible damages that can potentially cause a hazard and there were none present.

Research & Writing Assignment:

After observing the “Rise, Run and Tread Width” illustration, I learned that a rise must have a maximum of 7 3/4 inches of height, a run must have a minimum of 10 inches in width, the tread width is usually an inch more than the run and the nose is usually around an inch in height.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Crawlspace Vapor Barrier: Vapor Barriers should be installed in every crawlspace to help lower the moisture level in the crawlspace to prevent harmful fungal groth and wood decay. A minimum 6 mil plastic is todays standard. The vapor barrier should be sealed in place at seems.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Insulation: insulation is perhaps one of the most important factors in a homes energy efficiency. Missing, damaged, or compacted insulation could cost out clients thousands in lost energy. A thermal camera and proper training can help find weak points in insulation.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

I inspected the insulation in the floor of my basement for this course.

The fiberglass insulation is a R-19 value. It has been compressed to a thickness of 4 inches due to metal hangers for securing the insulation. The insulation is in good shape.

I would recommend a covering over this exposed insulation due to safety hazards (breathing fiberglass particles). Half of the basement is finished. Also removal of the metal hangers which are compressing the insulation and which diminishes the R- value.

Research & Writing Assignment:

One of the articles I read was “Attic pull-down ladders”. While there are several safety hazards with these ladders, I think it is important to ensure that it is installed properly (with the proper hardware) and ensure that no trusses were cut in order to install it. It is also important to make note if there is not any insulation above the ladder when it is closed as a lot of energy can be lost if it is not properly insulated.