How to Recognize a Soft Home Inspection Report by Jim Bushart.

UNLESS… you are using language that is, well, overboard!

Test: Have you ever used the following comment in a report?: "The crawlspace is infested with Termites and Mold. You will die if you buy this house! Run, Forrest, Run!!!



“The light fixture in the hallway did not illuminate. Either the bulb is burnt out, or, the house needs to be rewired! Hire a Licensed and Certified Electrician to change the bulb, and evaluate the system for repairs”.

I agree.

It is when an inspector writes his report in anticipation of how others may react to it that “softens” it.

In the nine years I spent in this business, I never knew an inspector who would admit to writing a soft report and I am convinced that the majority who do are not actually intending to … or even know that they do.

It is almost unreasonable for anyone to believe, however, that if I were to spend my hard earned dollars and hours cultivating relationships with brokers and agents and paying for multiple gimmicks and gifts to impress them with, that I would somehow not consider this large investment of time and money at the moment that I was choosing the words to describe a serious defect that might … as Mr. Osuna put it … “kill” the deal — as well as the possibilities of future referrals which I have worked so hard to develop. I would probably not even realize it at the time I was doing it … but I can see how I could do it, quite easily.

Intentionally “killing” the deal by selecting unreasonably harsh language to describe a defect is, in my opinion, more of a conscious effort and equally wrong.

Maybe I need to make a run at NAR before I head back to the other side. InterAR. :wink:

Yes you (we) should. There is no reason for anyone with any financial interest in the sale of the property being involved in the inspection process.

Not saying all realtors are bad, heck I work with many great honest ones, but a large percentage have 1 agenda and that is to sell the home at any cost. So if we could get them out of the process completely, it will help to eliminate the possibility of any shenanigans, and be better for our clients.



Well, I’m single digits away from age 60. Let me think about it. I’d have to find my Norse helm.

Not for another month you aren’t! :wink:

Correct. I turn 51 on May 25th.

I remember because I am 4 months ahead of you! :wink:

We share the same birthday but not the same year youngster.