again…and again…and again…
Hey, I don’t want to keep you from those important meetings and stuff. Hope you continue to enjoy your non-membership as much as the rest of us.
Later, dude.
again…and again…and again…
Hey, I don’t want to keep you from those important meetings and stuff. Hope you continue to enjoy your non-membership as much as the rest of us.
Later, dude.
You are, perhaps, the biggest asshole on this site.
ESOP is NOT the NACHI police, dickhead. Come out of your drunken stupor for 5 minutes, will you. ESOP has NOTHING to do with this policy. Complain to Nick or the girls in the front office.
If I am Nick’s puppet, then you are my bitch. Are you my bitch, Todd? People want to take you back? For ****ing what? More of this ****?
You are an immature punk. You have personal problems that occasionally manifest themselves in your rants, which can be incoherent. You once brought your personal demons to light on this message board. We all wished you well at that time. We still do, actually.
But, you need to stop acting like a baby, and publicly pointing fingers.
Tell you what. Give me a list of folks who are in the same boat as to NACHI listings on their websites. I’ll send them to Nick. they will either comply with the policy, or be deleted.
Us? I guess you and the 3 stooges have found a friend or two.:mrgreen:
Later James
Why dont you call me again, at 3:00 am, you piece of ****. I’ll tell you to real-time what I think of you. I scraped you off my shoe earlier.
Go **** yourself.
The day I cry over a punk, low life, out of self-control, ****ing loser like you, is the day I’ll hang it up.
Picking on me? F-you, asshole. You should have stopped by while I came to Arizona, you ****ing coward. Then you could have spoken your empty mind to my FACE. No balls, Todd. But I expected nothing less from a douche like you.
Right now, you punk, you can kiss my ***.
Jim and Joe,
Shame on you. You have fallen to new depths by continuing and escalating this garbage on an open forum. Whether members like it or not, the two of you are in positions of power or at least influence, and the immaturity the two of you have shown has been outdone by few.
The only influence you are having with these childish outbursts is chasing members away. Not necessarily the everyday poster, but the person that uses this board as an aid in their business. The two of you have become an embarassment to the membership.
With all due respect, Todd has had a destructive attitude on this message board for years. He is a punk. I dont care if he falls off the earth. I rarely flame someone with the intensity I just leveled at Mr. Allen. I’m entitled to, even if you dont approve. With every bull**** post I see on this message board, I am amazed.
But, if you think I am going to slink away or ignore a personal attack by the likes of this a-hole, think again, because I wont.
You wouldnt either. Call me sometime, and I’ll tell you all about Todd’s personal call to me at 3:00 am, while in a drunken stupor. As to any respect, I wouldnt give this creep the sweat off my nuts.
If you jump in the middle of this, then please do not
complain when you get smacked in response. I value
you as a person and like you… I advise you to remember
the old proverb…
“if you cannot play with the big dogs, then stay on
the porch”
You tend to be offended when people strike out at
your postings… so pick your fights carefully. Is this
really worth getting your feeling hurt again?
Wow. I hope I never get on Joe’s bad side. :mrgreen:
Please stay out of this. You do not know the history. As to public versus private, remember that I was publicly attacked. I publicly responded.
Don’t you think quoting me kind of limits my options?
Hot dammm… This is good poop :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Where do I sign up to be forced to tell my customers by being required to market nachi on my web] that I agree with this open to the public reprensenation of our profession and have no problem having self appointed dictators like these guys speak for me, along gromickos name calling of other hi that don’t pay him to be certified…:roll: :roll: :roll:
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Is it still only 289.00 or did the price go up with this FREE valuable new marketing tool?:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Wow…I can’t believe what I’m reading here.
I’m not taking sides here because I admire all of you. I sure would hate to be in a room with you all. I can see the blood now.
And what language…Do you kiss your wives with those mouths?
I think there are some folks who are of the opinion that they have some inherent right to attack certain people without getting any return fire. Sometimes, they need to be corrected.
I feel that Joe’s measured, well thought out, and restrained responses were very appropriate and more polite than the recipient deserved.
This is the oponion from a self appointed member /enforcer of nachi’s coe that speaks for all nachi members ?? … PRICELESS:D
This is from a disgruntled ex-member who cannot pull himself away from the message board…who can barely speak for himself. PRICELESS.
And doesn’t understand the issue at hand either. His comment:
by being required to market nachi on my web]
is a misrepresentation of the policy.
Correct, and typical of the bottomfeeders like dan and Todd who live to find fault with the world’s largest home inspection association.
They work in a state where licensing has nullified marketing and their inspection fees (according to their local TV) are below the national average. They set each other up with hidden cameras and televise each other missing “important” concerns on inspections - cutting each other’s throats while damaging the profession as a whole - then come on this message board thinking that their thoughts are credible. Misrepresenting the facts is about all they can really do. Truth is certainly not on their side.
Meanwhile, charging only $275 for a 2000 sq ft home, he (harris) tries to convince us that his ASHI member status has somehow enhanced his stature as a home inspector.
While we have fun laughing at these clowns and their hopeless plight, it is still sad. Too bad for them.
Disgruntled ??? :roll: :roll:
Hel* No… just the opposite… I’m jealous that I don’t belong to an org with members like JB, JF and and that nut job, AKA Crayola dude that threatened to blow up your retired volunteer ED, ah yea the one nick is so proud to know and represent nachi , to speak for me…:roll: :roll: :roll: