Why is it when Trump says he does not want another debate, he is a wrecked, and a afraid, yet Kamala avoids the media and answering any questions consistently? What does that make her?
She doesn’t answer questions, unless she is prepped, and knows what the questions are. And when she does, it is a train wreck.
Saying she destroyed Trump, when the debate was clearly stacked in her favor, is way off base.
Nick, Trump got hauled into federal court in the 70’s. This is not his first experience with getting in trouble. His history with the SEC is so extensive there have been books written about it.
Scientific American endorses Kamala Harris for 2024. First time in 179 years they’ve endorsed a presidential candidate. They say Harris offers better prospects, supports science, jobs, education, and treats climate crisis seriously. Trump has “disastrous” record.
It is a perfect match for Godless academics and scientists. They can worship man made climate change and sex change for minors. I am just curious: are they supporting 2016 to August 2024 Kamala, or Sept 2024 Kamala?