The was no ”movement” in the first place. The banning of a concept that is close to fifty years old is a political statement used to silence an opposing point of view. Which, ironically, reinforces the concept.
There’s also no “movement” to indoctrinate children about gender identity, but states are banning this “curriculum” as political statement as well. Red States are still pissed that the Supreme Court ruled same sex marriages are legal.
BTW, they didn’t “ask” for 75 years. Again, you just believe the hype of the conservative narrative.
Youre right! They didnt ask for 75 years, they stated they wouldnt release for 75 years… Until it went to court, and the judge ruled that it had to be released immediately. But if you only watch CNN, you wouldnt have known that. Did they tell you that Pfizer was court ordered to release its data?
Do you even know what Critical race theory is about? It is teaching children that they are either “oppressed” or they are the “oppressors”, all because of their skin color. Telling children at 5 years old that they are racist is a good thing? And basically segregating children all over again? How in the world will that stop racism??
Or the 1619 project, where they are literally changing the history books, teaching kids that the reason we fought the Revolutionary war is because Great Britian wanted us to end slavery, but we didnt want to!
Yeah, those seem like healthy “curriculums” to teach our children
When the curriculum is changed or modified to include gender studies, then you can call it a “movement”. Hence, the curriculum has moved from one position to another.
Of course the media and the politicians will jump on opportunities to “start a misinformation campaign” with catchy sayings such as “Don’t say gay bill”.
They will just lie. Just like Hunter Biden’s laptop, just like the new Georgia election laws, just like Kyle Rittenhouse, just Catholic student Nick Sandmann, just like the Duke LaCross team…the list is extensive.
People who challenge the “narratives” are not the enemy and we would be wise to welcome them vs attack them.
Pfizer was ordered to release its data from before and during the vaccine release, and they requested 75 years to release everything.
Oppression? What are you talking about? What’s oppressing is telling black kids that they need to fear the white kids because white kids are the “oppressors”. And it’s teaching white kids into believing they are racist and need to be ashamed of themselves based on their skin color. You don’t see the irony?? We can’t end racism by teaching kids they are either racist, or oppressed.
Um… yes. Yes they are. They are teaching CRT in kindergarten.
Ok, if you are so sure CRT is not racist, please, tell me what it is all about. What is the core teaching? And the teaching of 1619 project, for that matter…
All you have been doing is deflecting, and using the race card instead of actually explaining.
By the way, how in the world would you even know what is going on in the world if you do not follow any news networks, regardless of party?
Lol, you think I’m a leftist. The extreme left wants cancel everything that offends them and the extreme right wants to ban everything else. One side isn’t any better than the other.
I didnt call you an extreme leftist. But your comments obviously make you a leftist, or “democrat” if that is less offensive to you.
But, again… You are still deflecting, and not answering my question. Please enlighten me on CRT, so I can stop spreading false and racist information… Or as the left loves to say, “misinformation” (which is just “any information that they do not like”)
Look it up yourself. There’s plenty of scholarly sources on that subject. Use your own critical thinking skills to form a conclusion. I’m not going to convince you of anything.
But think about this, in less than a year, over twenty five states banning or proposing a ban on a 40 year old teaching philosophy that was barely heard of by anyone outside the education system two years ago? That sounds like a lobbyist wanting to make a political statement.
It’s the US, you have the right to believe whatever you want. You can believe the world is flat, that aliens built the pyramids, or that ghosts can rape and impregnate teenage girls. It’s a free country. But it doesn’t make it true.
If you are not willing to defend your position with even a simple explanation, then quit trying to argue… Is that how you write your inspection reports too? “Oh, Mr. Buyer, this is wrong, but just do some research on it, and you will see why… By the way, thanks for the check!”
Of course the article is an opinion. Where is the “fact” article that disputes it?
There are supporting contradictory theories both for and against the the validity of systemic racism. There is a long history of politicians profiting off of both fear and victimhood. Many do not want their patient to get well on either side of the isle.
I personally find critical race theory as myopic as racism itself. We are not waking up when we accept white fragility or systemic racism as fact, when in truth it is pure demagoguery. There is nuance in all of the above and children need not be burdened with skin color as a defining factor of their identity.
CRT is a topic meant for college level or higher adults who have experienced the real world first, then gathering their own personal empirical evidence to contemplate the theory.