short video of doing a water test with a hose to PROVE whether or not they have a crack and–or deteriorated rod holes etc in their foundation wall, took approx. 5 minutes for water to come in onto floor
same house, better view of the grade in that area… about all we ever hear (supposed solutions for leaky basements pfftt) is to raise and slope the grade, yeah sure ok
Hey Mark did You change phone numbers ? My Sister and Brother in Law from Allen Park are trying to get ahold of You and say the number i gave them isn’t working…
Here were the exterior openings where water FIRST entered and then wound up on basement floor only along the very bottom of the foundation wall/floor, had zero to do with a supposed hydrostatic pressure problem under the stupid floor (original videos above)
Notice someone previously dug n damproofed $$ for a lot more than we just did (getting very tired of this shtt too) BUTTTTT did not seal/waterproof the exterior of wall all the way DOWN…umm, that’s very important, helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo!
So when Bubba-milk hears crap from homeowners etc like, ‘Oh we had exterior waterproofing done before and it did not solve our problem’ etc, THIS is ONE reason WHY!!!
He did call Jim, about 2 weeks ago… we went over a few things on the phone and he said he’d call back but haven’t heard a peep since so lol maybe i said something that scared him off, i dunno, just wanted to let ya know.