If you voted for Obama, sign in, please.

Strategic vote in the primary only;-)

{Kinda like the old “I voted for Gore”, or “I voted for Kerry” bumper stickers. I think that you would agree with me that both Gore and Kerry were idiotic candidates, as far as national security, during a war, is concerned.}

Again you assume wrong as I doubt we would have been involved in attacking the wrong country (ask Charlie Sheen) lol

I shudder to think of how it would have gone if 911 had happened under a Gore administration. Don’t you?

I wish it had in hind site, (though perhaps through a twist it never would have (see Charlie reference above) as the economy would not once again fall to a Democrat to fix.
Seems to be a regular happening ,would you not agree?

Elections are merely a popularity contest, if the electorate is not well informed. Or if the people are not voting FOR a candidate, but against another candidates predicesssor. Bush was not running, McCain was, yet, you have posited that McCain would have been Bush III.

Elections are elections. Polls are polls, and while statistically valid (mostly) they do not have any actual effect (or should not) except for getting a feel for how things are going. Elections, on the other hand, are not a mere statistical sample, but the actual determination of the country. I would hope that the electorate would be better informed and well read for elections tham they are when they answer polls. Wouldn’t you?

No contradiction. Study the nuance.

Your logic is flawed as the candidates have their own ideas but are predisposed to follow basic party philosophy.
People often vote party line because it is good common sense to do so in general.
McCain came out as a Bush type Hawk at a time when people began to finally wake up to the Bush and son failed policy of war in the middle eas

No, I am not. But this “stimulus” is a tax cut (the $8,000 bucks is something to be taken off your taxes, not an $8,000 check. Think of the difference!)

The left is NOT about tax cuts, but, yet, these are the things that work.

BTW: It will be interesting to see how many car dealerships gget screwed by the govt. and don’t get paid. Kinda like Medicare.

Your logic is once again flawed as you categorize and pigeon hole your personal belief of what a Democrat is into a shallow general statement that you assume must be correct because you said it .
Republicans raise taxes all the time and the whole point of the tax cuts is to be selective in order to benefit those that need the help.
Republican philosophy is to help the rich and hope the poor or middle class can open their mouths wide enough to to get tinkled on and drink the waste.

It’s lucky you’re so smart Mike, many people just voted for the guy they believed in :twisted:

Ain’t Democracy a beautiful thing?


McCain had the nomination sewed up.

I used my vote as saw fit. Isn’t that beautiful? :mrgreen:

I do not know Gerry, I can not put my finger on it but Michael sounds pretty smart to me lately. :smiley:

Although when you quote him, I still have my doubts??? :wink:

Just a damned shame the country disagreed with you Mike, isn’t it?


Yes it is.

History will prove it and the future will correct that mistake.

Was this cut and pasted from last year as the mistake has been corrected?

Funny so do I, when all is said and done here’s a guy who professes to be the guiding light of all things American, The stars and stripes, Apple pie, Pork barrel spending.

Must be very hard to live in a world where all your values are challenged, but you don’t have the intellect to see life beyond your own preconceptions.

Thank G#D The Brianists for being free thinkers :frowning:


Try and keep up Bob.

after utilising the ignore feature the level of discourse on the MB has risen exponentially. :wink:

I am and Cutler is getting bettor.


Ah, ah, go…od night folks.!!!:);):smiley:

Again, Bob, it is NOT about Demorat or Republican. Those are party labels. It is about the philosophy behind the parties. Some Democrats are conservative or moderate (the co-called "Blue Dogs). Do you really know and understand the history behind that term:

If not, please be informed:

I believe that many Blue Collar (which you are) urban old school Democrats (which you are) have been lead down the path, because of their political ignorance, and now actually believe that there is such a thing as a free lunch.

That is why they are so enamored with these elaborate consprancy theories.

Hope this helps;

Need to find time to read later, but the first thing I notice is your lack of understanding humor.
There is a Bears game on at this time.

All that there is left to do for these poor folks is to obsess over what others think and desperately try to change the minds of others “before it is too late”. How frustrating and terrifying it must be to be them.

I’ve got news for you Gerry.

Everyone has preconceptions.

Mine starts with there is a God and He has made himself knowable.

Yours starts with there is no God that I have to concern myself with.

I look for evidence of His handiwork and stand in awe of the evidence.

You look for evidence of His non existence to placate your doubts.

Some intellectuals have so much pride they do allow no room for a sovereign God to exist.

Other intellectuals leave room for the possibility of being wrong.

Jim is just mostly confused on this issue IMHO.

So if only morons voted for Obama and only racists voted McCain then that leaves ol George in the clear. I have seen the light and know both major parties to be crap that’s why I voted third party and will continue so until both these groups get back to being Americans instead of dems and reps. I must be a freaking genius.

Na-a-a-h…I don’t think that would qualify one to be a genius…I voted “third party” and I sure ain’t no jeenyus.:roll::roll:

I voted “present” :slight_smile: