Originally Posted By: mrose
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February 16, 2005
Greetings to all members of the Atlanta Chapter of NACHI,
Our chapter held its 1st year anniversary meeting last night. It was well attended and Bob Kelly, Director, Code and Regulatory of the Vinyl Siding Institute, Inc. presented the best series on vinyl siding that I have ever heard. Visit their web site at www.vinylsiding.org .
A ?Meeting Speakers? section has been added to the chapter web site www.nachiatlanta.org/default.asp?active_page_id=71 where phone numbers and other contact information is provided.
A meeting for members only was conducted after the chapter session. Guidelines for maintaining membership in the chapter and visitor policies were discussed and
accepted by the attending members.
Effective April 19, 2005 the following policies will be in effect:
1. Every member must attend 1 chapter meeting per 3 month quarter.
2. Every chapter member must pass the NACHI Online Inspectors Exam www.nachi.org/aboutexam.htm
Every chapter member must pass the NACHI Standards Of Practice quiz www.nachi.org/sop.htm
Every chapter member must pass the NACHI Code of Ethic exam (obstacle course) www.nachi.org/ethicsobstaclecourse.htm
All of the above exams are provided at no cost by NACHI and all three exams are elements of membership in NACHI. Our chapter does not require membership in NACHI but it is strongly encouraged and provides many valuable benefits to the professional inspector. www.nachi.org/benefits.htm
3. Visitors will be limited to attending 2 chapter meeting after which they may decide to join the chapter or move on.
4. Periodic weekend training sessions are being developed to supplement interested members knowledge and inspection skills. An example is to visit
a house in the framing stage. Continuing education credits for NACHI are pending approval by the education committee.
5. Members need to assist in finding speakers and topics for the chapter meetings. Subject speakers and topics must be approved by the chapter
president or party conducting that particular meeting.
6. In the interest or being able to have regular monthly chapter meetings the chapter president needs to have a group of trained members to conduct the
meeting if the president is unable to attend.
This information is distributed to all members with functioning email address, will be posted for viewing on the chapter web site www.nachiatlanta.org and on the NACHI web site in the chapter announcements section www.nachi.org/bbsystem/viewforum.php?f=52
Best regards,
Mike Rose
Cornerstone Home Inspection Co. LLC
Lawrenceville, GA