Improving our server (after Friday the 13th!)

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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We were down for the longest time ever this past Friday the 13th. Over 5 hours.

On Friday there was an outage on the Verizon circuit. Verizon claims the fail over circuit did not take over when the mail circuit failed. A week later we have learned the situation has still not been resolved and there are still lingering network issues.

NACHI can not take a risk to allow another major downtime while we wait for the issue to be fixed. I have spoken to several people and found out Verizon employees are planning on going on strike soon due to lack of a contract.

I have made arrangements to move the entire operation to a near by carrier hotel. This will eliminate the loop and any point to point failure. The location is 15 minutes from our current location in NJ. This move will improve our network by eliminating the Verizon loop as a point of failure, improve our network by increasing the amount of available bandwidth, create a stable foundation for future growth, and speed up

This move will take place on Friday June 20th and we are taking all the steps necessary to insure a smooth transition.

This being Friday the 20th instead of the 13th should work in our favor too.


Originally Posted By: mroach
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So it looks like all went well with the move.


Mark Roach
A Professional Home Inspection
TREC# 6467
"Your Best Protection is a Professional Home Inspection"
Klien Volunteer Fireman

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Yeah, we were only down on Friday the 20th for a minute and a half during the move. All went well. Back to debugging the new library.


Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Chris just sped up the site:
