In favor of Brian Kelly...

Originally Posted by mlarson
It’s a tough job, but someone has to teach you political reality.:mrgreen:

Who taught you?

Google or was it Yahoo? :wink:

Good Morning Michael :wink:

LOL, so you’ve been full of sh!t all your life. :mrgreen:

I am sure that some think so.:smiley:

But I didn’t come to my political understandings with being wrong sometimes.

I used to be quite Liberal in some of my views. But I got smarter with the passage of time.:mrgreen:

Ouch :shock:. . . how do I take my vote back :mrgreen:

me neither:mrgreen: 'twould be like lettin the fox loose in the chicken coop. Seems I heard that one somewhere here b4:mrgreen:

BK is not allowed to serve as he is not a “natural born” member.

I have heard that his birth certificate is fake and he was actually born in Norway.

untrue, fiction, urban legend
here’s proof he was born in Hawaii, USA just like our prez

To easy to doctor stuff and put on line.

Unless I hold, in my hand, the original document, I’ll never believe it.

Wonder if the Supreme Court will hear the case.

I’d like to get this solved before BK gets nominated, elected, etc.


WHAT, you don’t trust me either :twisted:
i’ll email it to you if that will make you feel better

KiltLifter, and I’m here to tell you!

What… being unique wasn’t enough? Yer getting awful picky Badair! :wink:

When I am successfully nominated as Moderation Czar. I will find out who voted for me and delete all of their posts, mark my words.

katn :twisted: :mrgreen: