Insane CMI exclusive deal... NO E&O INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLES!!!

As will I. . .

You finally got me Nick :wink:

You have to shop rates. My experience is similar to that of Dale’s in regards to FREA being more expensive. I will check again, but I believe that the immediate difference in premiums is so significant as to outweigh the financial benefit of no deductible (especially if no claims are filed.)

How about offering life memberships in NACHI ( for a fee ) To CMIs

The greater profession is speaking out in regards to FREA’s decision to acknowledge CMI’s as superior inspectors, you might want to join in the conversation.

Thanks Joe sure is nice to see how some of the others think of us .
having a closed mind destroys the ability to reason some times .

Several of the comments are true. Some people slid in under Nick’ first proposal and have not spent much time in the proffesion.

Wrong expression How can you call it (slid in) when they had fulfilled what ever the requirements where at that time .
Sounds to me like sour grapes and jealousy.
I and my wife where one of the early ones and have been doing inspections for 7 years .
We have both attended many more courses every year then have been required .
About 50 hours this year and will add more hours before the end.
If the requirements have changed so what this happens in many professions.
Roy Cooke

Roy, true. And in fact, I spoke with Michael this evening and he is revamping the application process and requirements yet a further time. He has not shared much of his plans with me but said he would post here in a few days.

Ben, I believe Board President Michael Rowan has enlisted the help of arguably the best inspector in the world, Jeff Hooper, to help form a qualification verification committee to review new applications for the Certified Master Inspector professional designation. Jeff Hooper is the archetypal CMI and his punctiliousness will serve CMIs well in this capacity. I couldn’t be more pleased. I hope this was OK to say Michael.


No need to defend yourself for recognizing a good thing and acting appropriately. It appears that CMI is evolving into a very worthwhile program and you had the foresight to get involved early.


I’d better get in before Hooper get’s ahold of it :smiley:

From what I know of Michael and Jeff, there certainly will never be a relaxing of requirements.

Also Jeff P… Michael tells me he’s ending the 1-time, life-time fee and going to annual dues for future applicants soon. So get your application in quick.

Michael promised to post his plans here soon.

There’s no mail service on Sunday. . .

Given Jeff Hooper’s past attitude and action towards this organization and its members, I’d say he is a poor choice.

Joe F: There are members who would say that your past attitude and action towards some NACHI members make you a poor choice to head up our Ethics Committee Joe.

They are wrong about you Joe. You are perfect for your job.

And you are wrong about Jeff Hooper. He is perfect for his job.

That is a joke and you know it Joe! Superior my ***.:roll:

The greater proffesion being… ASHI ? At this point they will need all the help they can get…

It’s just another way to get 5000 folks to use FREA… There are better and cheaper ways to go.

I have 1 mil/ 2mil for far less then FREA offers… Happy insured camper… Do some looking you can do better and with the same stats.

I know of at least one CMI who started in the business very close to the same time I did. I had the opportunity just like they did to join CMI and I even won the doorprize that would have paid for it. I was told that I needed to pass the prize onto someone qualified. Why was the other inspector allowed to join?

I personally am not interested in signing up for CMI because I wouldn’t feel right doing it even if it would be a good move in alot of ways. But I think that someone should have been appointed from the beginning to check CMI qualifications, and maybe even should STILL go back and check all applicants qualifications and make them prove all credentials. It seems like the only fair and balanced thing to do.

Roy, You know nothing about me having sour grapes and jealousy. I could have easily went in under the requirements. It is suprising how many forget the LONG thread about this. We all know that the original requirements were a joke. The post was strictly about the requirements at that time, not the people that joined up. But thanks for giving me a portion of your resume anyhow.

Those that got in had fulfilled the requirements .
You are the one who brought it up .
Sorry if it was not sour grapes but it sounded that way to me .
I have not compained about as you say slid in.
They did it properly and thats good enough for me.
Those who did not do it is not our fault.

Roy Cooke

I did bring it up. The requirements, not the people who got in. But, the fact remains the requirements were not enough originally. Thus, I beleve some did slide in. No one said it was your fault for not getting in. It was Nachi’s for setting the bar too low for a season of time. No grapes, just an opionon.

Seeing the requirements now, they are going up, and Hooper will be a good asset. It is getting more interesting all the time. I am very much considering it now that the bar is being established.