Decided that in fairness and with an open mind, I did go to your websight, and have decided I want your “FREE HOME INSPECTION”
You have several “layers” of home inspections (basic, standard, premium)
with a qualifier of a 500sq.ft. condo inspection, which (in my opinion) does not address the bulk of inspections, single family homes.
Also, IMO, your basic (and probably your standard) inspections, would have a problem of passing muster with the new Wa. state new SOP’s. How do you get around that?
I do not wish nor want to question your ability nor quality of inspections, but I do have a couple of questions. Honestly, do you not really see this as a “bait and switch” approach? Is the bulk of your business done in the price range you “advertise” (I would have to work 24/7 at those prices just to cover my home mortgage)? Does this, not, set you aside as a “low baller”, as many complain about on this board?
Again, I do not want you to take this as a personal attack, this type of marketing, you say, works for you, but I am of the honest opinion, it could be considered deceptive.
This is just my personal opinion and observation, and in no way constitutes the opinon of others.
I would, however, challenge you to change my mind, I am always open to new ideas.