Hey friends from the great state of TEXAS. does your state use a certain report or can you use any type of a report. Does the report have to be approved by the state?
Texas is the only state that requires an exact format, TREC 7A-1.
Is there an available copy to look at or do you have to buy the report copy? How about other states, I am wondering only because Florida is going to a License state and no one seams to know what they doing.
See middle of page for sample.
You can see an example of what the required Texas form looks like when filled out here.
Bill, there are many other licensed states and none of them are like Texas. Most have required a few things here and there but no particular format. I haven’t heard that Florida is going down that path.
Robert, the link you gave is for the old Texas format. Does HG support the new form?
Here is a link to the official sample form http://www.trec.state.tx.us/formslawscontracts/forms/forms-propertyInspection.asp (SOP guidelines outline what and how much you can change). There is still a lot of room for variation from company to company.
Here’s another example of a report based on the TREC template http://homecert.com/SampleNewMetroReport.pdf
Sorry about that but yes. I just opened my software templates and it has the latest 2/09 (TREC REI 7A-1). I need to yield to the Texas guys though to be sure.