Well, “quilty” as charged! (g-q check your spelling first).
I too have left things behind, a thermostat turned up, things of this nature. I figure this goes away with deligent attention (we’re inspectors for Gods sake!) and experience. Still, on occassion, a tool can find its way out of pocket in the crawl space or something like that, and we’re out a few hundred dollars if we’re not fortunate enough to find it.
I inspect room by room and do not leave the room until all systems are back to where there were, I leave my inspection bag with all my tools in the room so I don’t forget. At the end of the inspection I ask everyone there, buyers/realtor, So we’re all done, did we forget anything? are all the lights turned off? how about the thermostat? is the stove turned off?
When I ask these questions you can see the light bulbs go off in everyone face, no one wants to leave home with anything on.
I’ve always done the part that I underlined. Now that second part is absolutely brilliant. Should have known brilliance would come from someone with “russel” in his name.
Thanks for the contribution to my inspection protocols.
My toolbag has many outside pockets and contain all my expensive tools. I make sure every outside pocket contains a tool before I leave the home.
As for the checklist, The listing Agents are on site 99% of the time (in my area) and they always stay behind to check thermostat settings and shut off lights. I always make sure I mention this to the agents before I leave.
I also leave a courtesy table card on the Sellers kitchen table with my brochure and business card. This courtesy card states the following…
***Thank you for allowing me in your home. During the inspection I tested and changed the settings of many systems in your home. I do my best to put everything back just as I found it. Please take a moment to check all of the settings and controls within your house to assure that they are at your comfort level. If you have any questions or concerns please call or e-mail me. ***
Yes, Same here. I get frequent calls stating that I inspected their home and that they want me to inspect their new home. Most of these callers mention that they like the fact that I located all of their defects in their present home.
Table cards make an excellent marketing tool, as all these Sellers are seeking new homes.