This might be a big deal - thanks. Are these ACA compliant (fortunately we shouldn’t have to worry about that for too much longer)?
Nice! That is a huuuge!
I think I will wait until Obama Care is a distant memory.
Well that is another one of those “Sucks to be Canadian” deals. Still everything else Internachi offers is fantastic.
Uh… I think Canadians already have national health care.
My hopes were deflated due to the high premiums and deductibles! Family of two ($1450 per month with a $10000 family deductible).
Sounds like an ACA compliant HSA plan. You don’t don’t like paying >$27,000 out of pocket before you get any benefits? You are privileged to be compelled to buy accessible healthcare for someone else’s family, but you have to wait in a $27K line to get any for your family.
Gotta love that unAffordable Care Act. It’ll soon be little more than a bad memory.
Merry warm Christmas from sunny south Florida
Scott Steffens
The Carpenter’s Son Home Inspection
Ft. Myers, Florida
Merry Christmas
I would like more information!
Thank you, and have a great Christmas!
Amen to that
Merry CHRIST mas ! ) from Due Diligence
Thank You Internachi
Can anyone who has used this insurance service through Internachi provide a review? I’d like to know if this program is beneficial or not before I send personal info to more vendors.