InterNACHI CMI vetted by OntarioACHI?

We have Len who is not a NACHI member who feels he should beable to tell many CMIs are not qualified to do inspections .

****9/2/16, 6:04 PM **;base64,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

Leonard Inkster](

Certified    Professional Inspector (CPI)
        Join    Date: Aug 2011
Location:    Niagara Falls, ON
Posts:    2,841 

**Please Note: **linkster is a non-member guest and is in no way affiliated with InterNACHI or its members.

Re: Important: new Ontario Home inspector licensing and grandfathering of CMIs. ACT

Now I wonder how Len knows these Inspectors are also notqualified

I recommend all Ontario NACHI members read this and form their own opinion onOntarioACHI and see what poor manners they have** ./](InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors)

I was told by one of the OntarioACHI Directors before anyelections were held that Kevin would not be a director.

I do believe that the last two Discipline Directors leftOntarioACHI And they now have no discipline Director .

I see that two more Directors have nor renewed their membershipand there is also two mt Spaces not filed by directors .
Looks like one active director has not paid any dues .

I have frequently asked how many paid members OntarioACHI has andhave never received this info.
Looking at the membership list there seems to me to be far morewho have not renewed then have renewed .
**I was told by More thanone member the only reason why they belong to OntarionACHI is becausethey get a reduction on their home Inspection insurance **