InterNACHI CMI vetted by OntarioACHI?

Robert, OntarioACHI has two ex-presidents. Kevin Wood and Chris Walsh. For clarifications sake, which one are you referring?

It is always rewarding to read a post from Claude Lawrenson.

Unlike many others, his statements are clearand reasoned with proper grammar and spelling.

Most importantly they are well thought out before putting pen to paper.

Claude never has to apologise for a post!

In regards to vetting other professionals?
I went through a similar process to get my CR (Certified Remodeler) and CKBR (Certified Kitchen and Bath Remodeler.)

When I earned those certs it was experience, classes and a 550 question test.
Now its just a 200 question test.

There is no way to properly vet someone and be 100% sure you got it right. If you make earning certs difficult many people will aspire to less.

Its never been the certification, its what a person does with the award. If a person aspires to be more, then awards and certifications are a measure of their personal best and honest as it gets. If all your doing is collecting trophies then all it is can be bought on ebay.

Who am I to judge?

We have Len who is not a NACHI member who feels he should beable to tell many CMIs are not qualified to do inspections .

****9/2/16, 6:04 PM **;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRofHh0aHBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQkJCQwLDBgNDRgyIRwhMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjL/wAARCAAyACgDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYEBQcBAgP/xAAvEAACAQMCBAUCBgMAAAAAAAABAgMABBESIQUGE0EiMVFhcQcUIzIzYnKBobHh/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQFAgAB/8QAIBEAAgICAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECEQMxBCESQRMyUf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AXONc0vNy/Z8Lt5UngiEsKjB0iNgBg77kY2pWh5dae3J6rZGSB2zVXwqWSa5iWR2YaycHy9K0fh8P4a4jyKmY8K468Yl3zXIdtUvwR05SvXh1uVQkZCnevhecty29uSG1tjJGO9ai0K9MaULOe2Krb231RsXj07d6L8srMy4uOjIWhdSQVO1FXdzfXFrFe28bKizN05SQPEuc49twDRTMZSZNnjjHqyRy/a61idBqdlbA9Dq/5TvDdyxSRgTSB181EXg+M0n8o3KISrDxxyZHwRv/AJFaBhY4terAYZwKXyfYf48fKCoDxJzGHSTEp8JUpkDHnUAz3FyzxSSM2RgZiwp+DmupEVs45tS6jKSFzv8AFWSiN49epttwpND0MON+xA49woGG9uNODCik/wAs4/1mirTjV9Zx2lxFdpI8c0y6o4nCsQFznJB2ziijwnS0T82O5CfwO6W24zbO2RGW0tk+tahcK/2IMWkuDgK3cVU2X0v+3spbriN11HiUv0YdhkDOC3mf6qXbySdBAckgDz7iuyrtNHvFnSaZKjuM2oxA2vAyOnv775xXqASfbO0xAYnYDsPT3rqEGFnLKHHkKiTTyaGHf2oUlY5JpLoz/mW5S543OU3VPANvSim+9+n4u7KK+4fOY2nAfpTbjJGfzefrRTMekTJtOTbNVhAMEwIBFIEYAUYHpRRWMvo3g0ySQOlnHaoZA327GiigsYhsdolUcDsgAP017ftoooppaEJbZ//Z

Leonard Inkster](

Certified    Professional Inspector (CPI)
        Join    Date: Aug 2011
Location:    Niagara Falls, ON
Posts:    2,841 

**Please Note: **linkster is a non-member guest and is in no way affiliated with InterNACHI or its members.

Re: Important: new Ontario Home inspector licensing and grandfathering of CMIs. ACT

Now I wonder how Len knows these Inspectors are also notqualified

I recommend all Ontario NACHI members read this and form their own opinion onOntarioACHI and see what poor manners they have** ./](InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors)

I was told by one of the OntarioACHI Directors before anyelections were held that Kevin would not be a director.

I do believe that the last two Discipline Directors leftOntarioACHI And they now have no discipline Director .

I see that two more Directors have nor renewed their membershipand there is also two mt Spaces not filed by directors .
Looks like one active director has not paid any dues .

I have frequently asked how many paid members OntarioACHI has andhave never received this info.
Looking at the membership list there seems to me to be far morewho have not renewed then have renewed .
**I was told by More thanone member the only reason why they belong to OntarionACHI is becausethey get a reduction on their home Inspection insurance **

“many CMIs are not qualified to do inspections” . quote

After reading many questions & posts on this MB, I sometimes scratch my head?

In all fairness, this association and the CMI designation has been created on trust. If someone falsifies their information, their peers will know. Sadly their clients find out the hard way.

The Ontario process claims to ‘protect the consumer’. Their process however is flawed and I think the consumer will suffer.

The course providers, the real estate industry, the franchise owners and the insurance company will benefit.

Even more sadly, the individual representatives sitting in the legislature will vote unwittingly for the passage of this Bill.

Just my opinion as a seasoned inspector taking 5 hours to inspect, prepare and present the report to his Client.

I like many others I do not know every thing ,
That is the beauty of this forum many give info and help to others .
I do not see this happening with any Canadian FORUM .
Sad to see many who do not follow the rules .

[FONT=Calibri]And they worry about home Inspectors , This is a good read about our Industry [/FONT]
Consumers report ‘lack of faith’ in Tarion’s builder records](Consumers report ‘lack of faith’ in Tarion’s builder records)

**Consumers report ‘lack of faith’ in Tarion’s builder records **

**“Maintainingas complete and accurate a builder directory as possible, is an important roleto be carried out by Tarion as regulator . . . ,” writes J. Douglas Cunninghamin his interim report **

There’s lots of good information here, however it is up to the individual to decide and need to look a little further before you believe everything posted.

It’s not any different than the Internet at large; one big gigantic place to search for information, but you are likely to find other points of view that contradict what is stated.

Most other Canadian forums “filter” or restrict what is or can be posted. However, they tend to also provide valuable information or help to its’ members. Perhaps nothing in comparison to the volume of what InterNACHI does.

But I’m not exactly sure the path we have taken in this discussion has much to do with the intent of the original post.

So maybe now you can explain to us all how you think you can post a link to a thread located in the **Not for Everyone ** section of the message board?

Seems this is in direct opposition to the rules established for the message board? You wanting to feed your buddies some juicy gossip is way out of hand obviously!

I’m sorry I would respond more rapidly to the usual tripe expected from the usual suspect. Unfortunately since I have not paid my membership fee for InterNACHI all my posts are moderated and they take between 2 and 4 hours to appear.

This makes defending myself and the position of OntarioACHI impossible, so I guess I’ll have to let the zealots have at it.

I was thinking of rejoining InterNACHI but as I can still purchase from Inspector outlet all the marketing that is provided to assist my business, and can pay on a month basis for the education,

I see no reason to pay neary $500 Canadian for the pleasure of continued and unfounded abuse from a few individuals who continue to berate me and other professional members of the Home Inspection profession with their vile.

I’ll stick to providing professional support to my colleagues on the few sites that ensure comments are kept professional.

Such a shame that the four individuals who purport to be so professional have nothing to add to the profession but the same old baseless rhetoric and personal insults and pepper negativity around this, other message boards, and social media sites (when they don’t get banned).

I’ll continue to work for the profession in Ontario. Others as evidenced by the attacking posts on this thread that contain personal abuse and unfounded accusations against those who are working to make a positive difference will no doubt continue their abuse and negativity.

Only time will tell who has got the approach right.

its’ members.** Exactly Members only get any help .**
NACHI is open to all members and a large section to non members .
No comparison .
Meeting of these other association’s are not open to the public .

Strange of you to say this Mr. Cooke, because technically, as I have not yet renewed my NACHI membership, I am a member of the public, and yet, even though I have been a staunch supporter of professional on this site for the last 5 years, all my posts are being moderated.

Isn’t it funny that all the things you said were wrong about the OntarioACHI message board and services happen to be inline with the same things that happen here too. Secretive, manipulating etc.

Or maybe InterNACHI is, as those of us who know better, as it always has been, an association of members for the members with an added bonus of a public facing portion of the web-services.

Now, by posting links to the NFE on the Public forum,you are showing that while the system technically won’t let non-members see those posts, you are more than prepared to use information from the hidden part of the message board to attack someone who does not have access to it.

Tell everyone how this is not a blatant violation of the CoE of InterNACHI and of the CMI designation you purport to uphold?

Then tell everyone how what you have done is not a blatant violation of the rules of the message board here at InterNACHI?

And then tell everyone why I should bother to renew my membership to sustain such abuse, when I can operate quite happily as a member of OntarioACHI and a full-time inspector (unlike incorrect accusations from your cohort), and still uphold the CoE of the CMI?

Then after you’ve explained all that, you might want to explain why you and your colleague in arms should be protected from action over your continued and blatant violations, yet if someone else were to just think about stepping over the line, you’d be the first ones in calling for their head on a stick?

There’s professionalism and then there’s hypocrisy.

I think everyone who reads your posts knows which side of that line you both stand!

Disincentivizing home inspectors from taking courses earlier than later, by prohibiting banking is harmful to consumers. We want InterNACHI members to take more courses, earlier in their career. So allowing them to “carry forward” or bank CE is pro-consumer. Forcing home inspectors to spread their CE out over years is anti-consumer.

What idiot at the BC government got that one wrong?

That has nothing to do with InterNACHI. You simply aren’t logged into the message board. If you log out and log in using your most recent member password, the message board recognizes (I through the R word in for you :wink: ) you as a member and you aren’t moderated.

This is true for everyone. If you change your password, or let your membership lapse and then renew, or you change computers, or you clear your cache, or you switch browsers, etc… you have to log out and log back into the message board.

Yes you got that right I have not called you an Idiot you did me.
I have not threatened you , you have me.
I have not used Blackmail on you, you have on me.
I have not said you will be getting a letter from my Lawyer you have to me .
To me you need to improve your attitude with how you post .
The home Inspection Industry has treated me very well.
I now try to pay my fortune forward and help others where I can and try to be civil to all and treat them the way I am treated .
I have mentored many and had lots to my home for more education.
You can see how many friends I have and how they appreciate me .

Also 11 years on the award committee .
Chaired many of the first NACHI meetings in Canada.
Helped NACHI to have the Toronto NACHI conference .
Sorry Len I am not changing for you and you and your Not so nice OntarioACHI directors . .

Len, there is a thing called respect. That is how professionals treat each other.
No matter whom OntarioACHI deals with, professionalism must be meet.

1: Associations built their educational systems and there for earned the right to their members educational system not you.

Think about it rationally. You are asking 34 or so home inspection associations to make privy there home inspectors education credits?

For someone that is no longer the present of OntarioACHI it sure sounds like you are steering the ship.
Too bad.
So sad.

Not talking about a president, Len.

Somehow every thread becomes about you!
Too bad
So sad!

Robert …Len was never the Present as you called him or the President either!!
Our ship is steered by several …myself included. There comes a time in life when you have had enough BS and that is what Mr Cooke deals Ontarioachi with every post…check his tag line…trying to impose his will on anyone who reads his constant hypocritical blather. Is he every reprimanded…NO!
We try to do the best for EVERY inspector and it is tiresome to have to constantly defend against R Cookes constant accusations.

We don’t need you to throw your 2 cents in too especially when it is unfounded. Neither of you know what is going on within the executive membership so Roy, stop fishing!
Maybe you both can come to the conclusion that one person can fill more then one position…check out the OAHI board and committees and you will see exactly what I am talking about. Maybe you will be enlightened.
Enjoy your long weekend!

Scott, hope all is well.
Roy is using his accomplishments within InterNACHI, and has left out many others outside the association, as a comparison as to what Len has contributed within our association.

Sorry for going off thread but, does InterNACHI have a three month waver to paying our dues and retain a member in good standing?:wink:

Thank you, Scott. I stand corrected, founder.
Sorry Len. I stand corrected.
Chris Walsh, I did not mean you.

I am asking in good faith. Whom took over KW’s position until a new president was voted in? I thought it was Len seeing he has been the voice of OntrioACHI.