Currently the Ny State DOH only recognizes NEHA and NRSB members as legitimate radon testers and only includes these members on its State website.
Although back in the day I took the NRSB course and passed its Radon Specialist test, I could not receive official recognition from NY State.
Why not take this latest course as a segway to having IAC2 recognized by the NY State DOH.
Already NEHA approved.
And NRPP is about to approve it.
What would NY DOH recognize IAC2 for? They’re not really qualified to be recognizing trade associations, and I don’t think they do.
Nick, they actually do, and frankly, you are no one to tell a state government who to recognize or when to recognize them. Trying to force them to recognize NACHI online training for CE credits for inspectors backfired on you.
In this case, the best you could hope for, or do for NACHI members here in NY, is to petition the NY State Dept of Health to NOT recognize association memberships as a pre-requesite for being listed as a Radon professional on the NY State website.
Education and testing should be the benchmark. There is no radon licensing here in NY, so the fact that NACHI offers an online version is moot.
If what you say is true, and NEHA already recognizes NACHI training for their membership requirements, then the ONLY way to get listed on the NY website by taking the IAC2 courses is to actually JOIN NEHA. How ironic…
This is around the fourth time I have suggested that NACHI intervene.
The question is WILL you decide to end membership in either of TWO trade associations as a qualification to be listed. If you do, and the education and testing is the criteria, then that would be great. The 2nd track could be to have the NY State DOH recognize IAC2’s radon course as a qualification and membership in IAC2 as the qualifier.
Either would be good, but doing nothing does not help. Since there is no requirement for radon training here in NY state at all, there is no incentive to join either NACHI or IAC2 where there is a regulatory benefit to membership. Ths would provide that tangible benefit.
I’m lost. You wrote this:
Uh, no. Most inspectors don’t take courses to get licenses that don’t exist. They take our courses to learn. But anyway, you also wrote this:
Then there is no where to seek approval for an association that provides training.
A state that doesn’t license radon and doesn’t require radon training… doesn’t approve associations that offer radon training. There is no office and no person to seek approval from in NY.
Then why is New York our 4th strongest state in terms of membership numbers?
It may be true that at one time, long ago, inspectors only joined InterNACHI to get free, approved continuing education. That simply isn’t the main reason inspectors join InterNACHI any longer. Of the top 10 states with the most InterNACHI members (Florida, California, Texas, New York, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri), only 3 of the 10 have approved InterNACHI’s courses. That says something about the value of everything else InterNACHI provides.
You just dont get it.
But I stand corrected… it’s not NEHA, its AARST.
Check this out:
Here in NY, the NY State DOH website lists CERTIFIED RADON TESTERS. These are the individuals the State recognizes and recommends for Radon testing.
IAC2 is currently NOT recognized by the NY State DOH as a certifying organization for Radon. I think is should and could be.
The irony is that some of the names on the list provided by the state do not appear to be members of either NRSB or AARST
My point is that NACHI should contact the State and either 1) get them to recognize IAC2 as a “qualifying” organization on par with AARST and NEHA, or 2) eliminate the need for membership in ANY such organization in favor of simply taking an approved course.
Is NACHI and IAC2 willing to do something about this, or not? I have been talking about this for the past several years. It’s gret that IAC2 has a course, but it does not help NACHI members in NY State get radon testing engagements.
Fact is, that MANY people rely on the State’s list. If they happen to be members of other HI orgs, it only strengthens their position.
Oh, so you are recommending we get a link on that page? O.K. I’ll have Mark write them a letter now.
You would be hard pressed getting Ohio to approve anything like that.
They may have the country’s most stringent requirements to become licensed for radon testing yet the state doesn’t provide any education or testing to actually receive it, you have to take classes from companies or schools from another state.
How soon can we expect approval?
About a week ago, they told us approval would come in 30 days.
Excellent! Thank You!