It's not necassary to remove Electrical Panel Cover.

I like this Electrical Panel. It took me approximately 1 minute to inspect the wiring.

“Click to Enlarge”

All I had to do was turn on my flashlight and look inside the see-thru cover to inspect this SE panel.

I have never seen anything like it. :slight_smile: Way too cool.

Cool! Does it come in red? :wink:

Cool, but is it listed for that application?

probably not. But how creative is that? LOL!

Looks like homeade plexiglass to me, I doubt it is rated.

I guarantee, it’s not. . .

No but it is insulative, and non conductive and as a bonus you can see any arching without exposing youself to the dangers. Maybe someone should patent it.

But it is flamable and cracks easily. JMO

Not if it’s Lexan.
I gots to make me one.

Well then if it’s got Pete’s approval…

Rock on!

Looks like a MATRIX panel :slight_smile:

You know I’ve never seen even a little bit of any of those films. :stuck_out_tongue:

If and whenever you do watch one…don’t even think about watching them out of order…start with the first one, first…or you won’t understand what is going on.

Pretty cool movies, though…makes one think…:shock:


This is simply a green Plexiglas cover that was custom made by the homeowner. I have no idea what was going through the inventor’s mind while he was cutting this in.

I found this panel behind a sliding glass mirror (which I had to remove).

No…this is not approved material. I simply wrote it up.

At least you could see the wiring.:smiley: