Kamp Kold ***

Why I love doing work in rural Wisconsin,

This might be the home of Ken Ramm or Mike Larson as they are both proud Cheeseheads :mrgreen:

Broncos first then Green bay unless you talk to my wife first then it’s the other way around. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Hope you had a great holiday season Paul.

Yuck! Had to break out my fleece today, it dropped into the 60’s. It might even go into the 50’s tonight, BURR:mrgreen:

5 to 15 here for the high over the next few days.

We may hit the 40’s up here tonight.

Going down to 19 in Bmore tonight!
But, leaving for Cozumel Tuesday morning for a week of diving!!!:mrgreen:


35 in Tallahassee. Probably a record low…

I had to put a fleece and a windbreaker at this mornings inspection.

28 degrees where I was at this morning with the wind blowing. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

I think it was 54 here this morning, BURRRR, when it as been in the 80’s for so long… 50’s is freaking cold, I’m sitting here in my fleece, shorts and flip-flops. :mrgreen: Snook will be moving to inshore shallows now though:D:p