Originally Posted By: jbowman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
From: Ken Bates <aceinspect@verizon.net>
Date: Friday, December 23, 2005 11:46 PM
To: john.bowman@nachi.org
Subject: NACHI exam
Somehow I got inadvertently linked to NACHI and one thing led to another and I took the online exam.
This time there were 120 questions and I only got a score of 95. It took me 29 minutes to finish.
I recall that several years ago I took the very first on-line exam (100 ) questions and finished it in about the same time.
I think my score was 98 the first time but it took me about 30 minutes to finish.
I think I had consumed the same amount of Margaritas ( three ) before the exam and both times the urge to take the exam was spontaneous (no preparation or references)
Can I get some extra credit for spontaneity and non-sobriety (intoxication)???? I bet with full sobriety and reference books nearby I could get a perfect score. Want to bet? Want to offer a special designation for 100% scorers???????????
Ken Bates
Let's all answer him.
Congratulations on passing an entry level exam. You failed to mention how many years of experience and education you have received. I'm assuming that you have been an inspector for many years and have substantial training.
Anyone with this type of experience had best score in the high 90's or even a perfect score or find a different line of business. After all it is an entry level exam.
I'm pleased that you find your accomplishment as noteworthy.
Originally Posted By: John Bowman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ekartal5 wrote:
Ken has substansial knowledge and experience as a home inspector.
Erol Kartal
 His email was just plain stupid in my book.
If other associations would only sit back and realize that their one time exam is being laughed at by the Insurance industry and state legislators.
Because of NACHI's stringent membership requirements the Insurance Industry has recognized NACHI as the leader in education, testing and membership requirements and has thus rewarded our membership with the only discount rates available to any one in the Home Inspector profession.
Our yearly retesting speaks loudly. Our test is designed to keep up with the changes in the inspection profession and our requirement of annual testing strengthens the credibility of the inspector making NACHI inspectors ELITE.
Taking a once in a life time exam proves absolutely nothing.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
of our many entrance requirements http://www.nachi.org/membership.htm , 50 blind people, 30 children, 17 mentally handicapped people, 2 great grandmothers and a dog could have lined up and sequentially joined (yes actually joined!) his No entrance requirements whatsoever diploma mill ASHI. It only takes 30 seconds to join ASHI.
Originally Posted By: John Bowman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Speaking of a gentlemen named Bates.
Long time ASHI member Rick BATES (over 18 years I believe) has joined NACHI. Rick is from Elmira, NY and is a scheduled speaker on Air Quality at the NACHI 2006 convention.
Originally Posted By: ekartal5 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Mr. Ken Bates does have a great knowledge of the industry. What I left out earlier because it’s Christmas (screw it) is when he posts in anger or as a result of cocktails he makes Todd and I look like lame ducks.
Originally Posted By: jferry This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ekartal5 wrote:
Mr. Ken Bates does have a great knowledge of the industry. What I left out earlier because it's Christmas (screw it) is when he posts in anger or as a result of cocktails he makes Todd and I look like lame ducks.  
Erol Kartal
Todd was a lame duck until he recently renewed his membership!!